Cream-Filled Donuts with Cocoa Nibs

Cream-Filled Donuts with Cocoa Nibs

19 February 2023

Difficulty: toque toque toque

In 2 days it's Mardi Gras, and despite the many recipes I've shared here, I hadn't made donuts yet! So here's a recipe to correct this mistake: donuts filled with a cream infused with cocoa nibs (which gives a taste quite different from chocolate cream, I can only advise you to try it to see for yourself). I was inspired by the French Bastards' recipe found on the Hachette Pratique website for the donut dough; for the cream, if you don't have nibs you can infuse the milk with vanilla, cinnamon or even coffee, or add a few squares of chocolate at the end of the cream's cooking, let your taste buds guide you 😉

Piping bags
10mm Nozzle

I used cocoa nibs from Koro: code ILETAITUNGATEAU for a 5% discount on the whole site (not affiliated).

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Preparation time: 40 minutes + cooking
For 10 donuts:

The donuts:

100g of eggs
35g of beer
100g of liquid cream with 30% fat
300g of flour
50g of granulated sugar
5g of brown sugar
4g of salt
14g of fresh yeast
Frying oil
Granulated sugar

In the bottom of the bowl with the hook, pour the eggs, beer and cream.

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Cover with flour, then add the sugars, salt and crumbled yeast.

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Knead until the dough is well homogeneous and detaches from the sides of the bowl.

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Cover the dough with plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. After resting, divide into 10 pieces, form balls and roll them out.

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Place them for 30 minutes in the refrigerator, then let them rise for 2 hours at room temperature.

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Then heat the cooking oil to 160/170°C and cook the donuts about 4 minutes on each side.

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Place them on absorbent paper, then roll them in sugar. Let them cool.

The cocoa nib cream:

430g of whole milk
Approximately 200 to 250g of whole milk to complete
75g of cocoa nibs (1)
85g of egg yolks
85g of granulated sugar
35g of cornstarch
15g of cocoa nibs (2)

Heat the milk with the cocoa nibs (1) then cover the pan and let it infuse for at least 1h30.

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Next, heat the mixture again, then strain it, and add milk to get 430g again. Heat the infused milk.
Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar and cornstarch, then pour the milk over it.

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Pour everything back into the pan, then thicken over medium heat while whisking constantly.

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Pour into a container, cover with plastic wrap in contact and let cool completely in the refrigerator. Then add the cocoa nibs (2).
Put the pastry cream in a piping bag with a smooth nozzle of 10 to 12mm. Fill each donut, then enjoy!

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