Orange blossom & pistachio ice cream
07 August 2023
I use the Kenwood ice cream maker adapted to my Chef Titanium robot.
I used crushed pistachios from Koro: code ILETAITUNGATEAU for 5% off the entire site (non-affiliated).
I used Norohy orange blossom water from Valrhona: code ILETAITUNGATEAU for 20% off the entire site (affiliated).
Preparation time: 15 minutes + cooling time & in the ice cream maker
For about 1L of ice cream:
400g whole milk
100g sugar
80g powdered glucose
5g ice cream stabilizer
10g orange blossom water (adjust according to the one you use)
300g full whipped cream
QS crushed pistachios
Heat the milk. Meanwhile, mix the sugar, glucose, and stabilizer. Add them to the hot milk and gently heat the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add the orange blossom.
Cover the mixture with cling film in contact and let it cool completely in the refrigerator.
Then, whip the cream until it becomes whipped cream, then gently add it to the previous mixture.
Pour the mixture into your ice cream maker and let it churn until you get ice cream. When the ice cream begins to set, add pistachio pieces gradually.
Enjoy it immediately, or store it in an airtight container in the freezer (in this case, take it out of the freezer about 15 to 20 minutes before tasting) and enjoy!
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