Charlotte-style Tiramisu

Charlotte-style Tiramisu

23 October 2024

Difficulty: toque toque toque

Price: Cheap

What do the charlotte and the tiramisu have in common? Ladyfinger biscuits, of course! So it was only a matter of time before I combined the two to create a tiramisu charlotte! You loved my tiramisu tart, which is still one of the most searched recipes on the blog, so I hope you'll enjoy the charlotte version just as much :) For a version without raw eggs, you can use the cream from this recipe.

I used Caraïbes chocolate from Valrhona: code ILETAITUNGATEAU for 20% off the entire site (affiliate).

Piping Bags
18mm Nozzle
10mm Nozzle
18cm Ring
Perforated Tray

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Preparation time: 1h10 + 10 minutes baking + resting
For an 18cm diameter charlotte with a height of 8cm (you can make it wider and shorter if you wish):


Ladyfinger Biscuit:

 120g egg whites (about 4 whites)
 100g caster sugar
 80g egg yolks (about 5 yolks)
 100g T55 flour
 QS icing sugar
 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
 Start by preparing a French meringue: beat the egg whites until stiff, then tighten them by adding the sugar in three times and gradually increasing the speed of the robot. The meringue is ready when it is smooth, shiny, and forms stiff peaks.
 Charlotte vanille praline noisette 1

 Then, add the egg yolks and whisk again for a few seconds, just enough to incorporate them.

Charlotte vanille praline noisette 2

 Finish by gently incorporating the sifted flour with a spatula.

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 Put the batter in a pastry bag fitted with a plain nozzle of 10 to 12mm in diameter.
 Pipe (on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper) a cartouchière (twice to have enough biscuit to go around your ring) and two biscuit circles of 20cm in diameter (depending on the size of the ring you will use for assembly).
 Sprinkle once with a one-to-one ratio of cocoa and powdered sugar, wait two minutes and sprinkle them a second time.

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 Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 10 minutes (the biscuit should bounce back when pressed with a finger but should be very soft). Once out of the oven, place the biscuit on a rack and let it cool.

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Dark Chocolate & Coffee Ganache:

 100g chocolate
 20g honey
 120g heavy cream
 1 to 2 teaspoons instant coffee (depending on whether you want a more or less coffee-flavored result)
 Melt the chocolate.
 Heat the cream with the honey and instant coffee, then pour it in several times over the chocolate, mixing well. If needed, use an immersion blender to obtain a smooth and shiny ganache.
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Mascarpone Cream:

 3 extra fresh eggs
 100g sugar
 500g mascarpone
 Separate the whites from the yolks. Whisk the yolks with 60g sugar, then add the mascarpone.
 Charlotte tiramisu 3

 When the mixture is smooth, beat the egg whites with the remaining 40g sugar until stiff.

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 Gently fold the beaten whites into the first mixture, then move on to assembling.

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Assembly and Decoration:

 1 large espresso
 150g full cream
 10g icing sugar
 QS unsweetened cocoa powder
 In your ring placed on your serving platter, lay out the trimmed ladyfinger case as well as a first biscuit at the bottom. Soak the biscuit with coffee, then spread a little chocolate coffee ganache at the bottom. 
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 Add about half of the mascarpone mousse. 

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 Place the second biscuit, also soak it in coffee and spread the ganache again (keep some for decoration). 

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 Pour in the rest of the mousse and smooth the surface. 

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 Place the charlotte in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours (overnight if possible), then whip the heavy cream into whipped cream with the icing sugar. Pipe it onto the charlotte, add the remaining ganache, and dust with unsweetened cocoa powder before enjoying!

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