Sweet and Savory Tart from Val d'Illiez

Sweet and Savory Tart from Val d'Illiez

29 October 2024

Difficulty: toque toque

Price: Cheap

A new specialty today, Swiss this time! In principle, this recipe reminded me a bit of the sugar pie from northern France and Belgium, but it is ultimately quite different (and just as good!). With this somewhat curious name, the "salée sucrée" from Val d'Illiez actually exists in a sweet version like here but also in a savory version; I came across quite a few different versions while doing research on the internet, so I combined a few sources and here is my version, hopefully faithful to the original. A lightly buttered brioche dough, a simple cream on top (normally with double cream from Gruyère but you make do with what you have) and a bit of sugar and you're all set! I particularly recommend this recipe for breakfast with a good coffee, even though it's also very enjoyable at any other time of the day 😉
 Preparation time: 30 minutes + resting + baking
 For a circle of 22 to 24cm:


The dough:

 270g of flour
 8g of yeast
 15g of sugar
 175g of milk
 5g of salt
 50g of butter
 Mix the yeast with the milk. Cover with flour, salt, and sugar. Knead for about 10 minutes at medium speed until you have a homogeneous dough that comes away from the sides of the mixer.
 Sweet and savory pie 1


Sweet and savory pie 2

 Add the butter cut into small pieces and knead again until you have a well-homogeneous and elastic dough.

Sweet and savory pie 3


Sweet and savory pie 4

 Place the dough in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight.

The filling:

 175g of heavy cream (or double cream)
 40g of sugar
 15g of flour
 The next day, mix the three ingredients well to obtain a homogeneous cream.
 Sweet and savory pie 6


The baking:

 As needed, brown sugar to sprinkle on the pie
 1 egg for glazing
 Roll out the dough in a buttered ring.
 Sweet and savory pie 5

 Let it rise for 1 hour to 1h30, then make holes in it with your fingers, leaving a border all around.

Sweet and savory pie 7

 Spread the previously prepared cream on top, then glaze the brioche with a beaten egg and sprinkle the cream with brown sugar.

Sweet and savory pie 8

 Bake in the preheated oven at 180°C for about 25 minutes, the brioche should be golden and the cream cooked. Let it cool slightly before removing from the pan and enjoy!

Sweet and savory pie 9


Sweet and savory pie 10


Sweet and savory pie 11


Sweet and savory pie 12


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