Cheesecake (Jacques Genin)

Cheesecake (Jacques Genin)

13 April 2020

This cheesecake recipe is really fluffy and much lighter than usual cheesecakes. The recipe is by Jacques Genin, shared by Raphaele Marchal on instagram. The recipe is very easy, but you have to be patient since you have to bake it the day before, and it’s hard to resist such a long time ;-) I think you can make this recipe without the crust, but it comes with a crispy crust very good ; the cream is like a light mousse with vanilla flavor (but if you want, you can replace vanilla with lemon zest, it will be delicious too !).

Prep time : 20 minutes + 1h15 cooking time + 12 hours rest
For a 20cm (8 inch) mold (8 servings) :

The crust :

67g flour

40g  almond powder

44g icing sugar

1 salt pinch

44g softened butter

Mix the flour, the almond powder, the icing sugar and the salt. Add the softened butter and mix until you get a sand texture.

Butter your mold and spread the batter with your fingers.

Bake it for 20 minutes in the oven preheated to 160°C and prepare the filling.

The cream :

500g cottage cheese (or cream cheese)

58g table cream 30%

53g yolks

36g caster sugar (1)

1 vanilla pod

47g flour

4g salt

90g egg whites

55g caster sugar (2)

Mix the cottage cheese, the cream, the yolks and the caster sugar (1).

whisk until the mixture is homogeneous, then add the vanilla, the flour and the salt.

Whip the egg whites with the sugar (2).

Add carefully the egg whites to the other mixture.

Cuisson :

Pour the cream over the precooked crust.

Put the cake in the preheated oven 20 minutes at 170°C then 20 minutes at 160°C and finally 15 minutes at 155°C. Let it cool down to room temperature then put it in the refrigerator for about 12 hours, and finally, enjoy !

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HammerheadShark - 15 May 2020
Hello there! I’m sorry for asking in Englisg but I don’t speak French. Do you happen to know how much more should I add if I want to use a 25 cm (10 inch) springform pan? Should I change the cooking time? Thank you in advance! :)

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