Homemade Kinder country

Homemade Kinder country

13 April 2020

A recipe with very few ingredients and materials today : homemade Kinder country. I used puffed spelt from Koro, but you can use the puffed cereal of your choice, in the original kinder country it is puffed rice. The recipe is very simple with few steps, and the bars can be kept a few days for your future snacks ;-)
5% discount on Koro shop with the code ILETAITUNGATEAU ;

Prep time : 30 minutes + few minutes to allow the chocolate to crystallize
For 12 to 15 servings :

Ingredients :

250 to 300g milk chocolate (I used Bahibé by Valrhona, 46% cocoa. I think you should use milk chocolate with minimum 40% cocoa)
150g white chocolate
50g milk
25g puffed spelt or rice (or other)

Recipe :

If you have chocolate bar molds, you can use them like me (for these quantities, I used 3 bar molds), otherwise you can simply put parchment paper in a 20 to 25cm square mold (or frame).

Melt the white chocolate. Heat the milk, then pour it in several times over the melted chocolate, stirring well. Then add the puffed spelt and set aside.

Then, you can either temper the chocolate, or make a "false" tempering as follows: melt the ¾ of milk chocolate very gently (be careful not to exceed 40C, if you don’t have a thermometer, put the bowl containing the chocolate on a double boiler, leave it for a few minutes, stirring regularly, then remove it from the heat, stir a little and wait a few minutes before putting it back. Thus, chocolate will not overheat). When the chocolate is melted, add the remaining chocolate and stir until it is melted (it will allow the chocolate to cool down quite quickly). Spread some chocolate on your tablet molds (or on the parchment paper) with milk chocolate with a brush (you dont’ want to have a thick layer).

Put the molds in the fridge or in the freezer for a few minutes so that the chocolate crystallizes quickly, then spread over it the white chocolate & puffed spelt mix.

Finish by covering the white chocolate with milk chocolate.

Let crystallize again before unmolding and cutting your bars, and enjoy !

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