Vanilla flan (Karim Bourgi)

Vanilla flan (Karim Bourgi)

13 April 2020

Karim Bourgi shared his recipe of vanilla custard on instagram, so here it is ! This vanilla flan is without eggs, so it’s lighter and creamier than the usual custards. It takes a little time to prep it bu you won’t regret it ;-)

Prep time : 30 minutes + 4h rest + 1h baking
For a 18cm flan :

Shortcrust pastry :

180g butter
4g sea salt
5g sugar
20g egg yolk
50g whole milk
250g T55 flour

Mix the butter cut into small cubes, the sugar, the salt and the flour until you get a crumble texture. Then add the egg yolks and the milk. When the dough is homogeneous, place it in the fridge for 3 or 4 hours, or even the night if you can.

After resting, roll the dough until reaching 3mm thickness, then butter the mold and put the dough inside. Put it in the fridge or freezer before filling it with the vanilla cream.

The cream :

500g whole milk
500g cream
55g cornflour
8g T45 flour
1 vanilla pod
10g vanilla extract
165g sugar

Mix the milk, the cream, the vanilla extract and the vanilla seeds and let it infuse for 24 hours.

Then, mix the flour and cornflour.

Add a little amount of infused milk in the flour, et put the rest of the milk on the heat. When the milk is hot, pour it on the flour mix and strain the liquid with a fine sieve.

Then cook the cream on medium / high heat, stirring constantly until boiling and thickening, 2 to 3 minutes so that the cornflour has time to cook as for a pastry cream.

Pour the cream into a bowl, and whip it out of the heat so that the steam escapes from the cream, then add the sugar (if we add the sugar before cooking, the cream will be more liquid and not be firm after cooking). Put a plastic wrap on the cream and then allow the cream to cool completely.

Pour the cooled cream on the dough, then bake the flan for 1 hour at 160-170°C.

Let your flan cool down to room temperature, then unmold it and enjoy!



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Anonyme - 20 February 2022
Hi there, I am facing a problem with the recipe... I am baking at 170C in a Rational oven with 0% humidity and fan at number 1. After the 50th minute the cream is overflowing outside the ring! What possibly am I donig wrong??? Thank you!

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