Toochoco (Cyril Lignac)

Toochoco (Cyril Lignac)

20 April 2020

In leafing through the book La Pâtisserie by Cyril Lignac, I came across these individual desserts, with chocolate worked in all its forms: cocoa cookie, creamy chocolate ganache, crunchy chocolate bar and cocoa nibs. As a result, a small dessert that slightly reminds the macaron, with a more interesting texture thanks to the thin crunchy chocolate bar. In the book it is indicated to make the ganache the day before and to reheat it slightly to make it creamy before piping the next day but I made it the same day and I took it out of the refrigerator as soon as it had the good texture for garnishing cookies. That way, I made the ganache and let it cool while I was making the cookies, and while the cookies were baking I made the little chocolate bars. In this way, once the cookies had cooled down and the chocolate bars were ready, I was able to assemble (and taste) them immediatly.

Prep time : 45 minutes + 15 minutes cooking
For 6 to 7 servings :

Chocolate ganache :

130g cream 30 or 35% fat
110g dark chocolate with 67% cocoa (I used Caraïbes chocolate by Valrhona)
35g butter

Chop the chocolate, or gently melt it in a double boiler.
Heat the cream, then pour it in several times over the chocolate, stirring well with a maryse/spatula to create an emulsion. When the ganache is smooth and shiny, add the butter in small pieces and stir again until it is well incorporated (if necessary, use a hand blender).

Put a plastic wrap on the ganache and put it in the fridge.

Chocolate cookie :

105g almond powder
30g cocoa powder
5g T55 flour
190g caster sugar
170g egg whites (5 to 6 eggs)
20g cocoa nibs
Icing sugar

Mix 140g sugar, the cacaon the flour and the almond powder.

Whip the egg whites and add the remaining sugar (50g) while still whipping.

Vigorously mix the powders with a little whipped egg whites, then gently incorporate the rest.

Pour the dough into a pastry bag fitted with a plain tip, then pipe 12 to 14 6,5cm circles on a baking tray covered with parchment paper (spacing them out, they will swell when cooked).

Sprinkle with icing sugar, then sprinkle half the cookies with cocoa nibs.

Put in the preheated oven at 175°C for 15 minutes, then let them cool completely.

Chocolate bar :

200g of 61% dark chocolate (I mixed 150g of caraïbes and 50g of Bahibé by Valrhona)

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler without exceeding 35°C. Spread it on acetate sheet (1mm thick), or like me on parchement paper. Let crystallize, then cut squares of 7cm side.

Assembly :

On the cookies without cocoa nibs, pipe the creamy ganache.

Put on the ganache a chocolate tab, then again a little ganache to be able to « stick » the second cookie (with cocoa nibs).

You Toochoco are ready, enjoy !

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