Marble cake (Cyril Lignac)

Marble cake (Cyril Lignac)

30 April 2020

Let's continue discovering the marble cakes of pastry chefs, even if I have few left to test... I hadn't yet tried Cyril Lignac's recipe, which is very tempting. This cake is ultra regressive thanks to its milk chocolate icing, that hides a layer of crispy praliné. In short, a delicious recipe once again, even if I still prefer François Perret recipe when considering the cake itself , this crunchy layer with praliné really makes a delicious cake !

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Prep time : 1 hour + around 45 minutes cooking
For a 22 to 26cm cake mold :

Plain batter :

30g butter
100g egg yolks 
130g caster sugar
70g liquid cream 30 or 35% fat
100g T55 flour
2g baking powder

Melt the butter.
Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar, then add the cream and the sifted flour and baking powder with a gentle whisk.

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Finally, add the melted butter.

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Chocolate batter :

30g soft butter
80g egg yolks
110g caster sugar
20g cocoa powder
2g baking powder
90g T55 flour
60g liquid cream 30 or 35% fat

Melt the butter. Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar, then add the cream and sifted flour, baking powder and cocoa with a gentle whisk.

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Finally, add the melted butter.

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Cooking :

Alternate the plain and cocoa pastes in the buttered and floured or parchment-lined cake tin.

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Bake in the preheated oven at 165°C for 45 minutes (for me, it took more like 1 hour, check with a knife). Leave to cool.

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Milk chocolate and almond icing :

50g chopped almonds
225g milk chocolate
50g sunflower oil

Roast the chopped almonds at 210°C for 5 minutes. Melt the chocolate at 45°C then add the sunflower oil and almonds. Set aside at room temperature. 

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Crispy praliné :

50g milk chocolate
10g soft butter
90g hazelnut praliné
50g crêpes dentelles (crispy crepes)

Melt the chocolate and add the praliné and the crêpes dentelles.

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Then, add the butter.

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Spread the mixture on a sheet of baking parchment and cut out a rectangle the size of the cake tin. As I didn't want to cut the pretty bump on my cake, I simply spread the praline crust on my cake with a spatula and then let it crystallize in the refrigerator.

Finishing and icing :

Reheat the icing around 35°C.

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Pour the icing on the cake previously placed on a wire rack. Allow to crystallize, then enjoy !

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Juhi - 03 May 2020
Hii can we keep it in the fridge after icing overnight .

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