Lemon & olive oil cake (Christophe Bacquié)

Lemon & olive oil cake (Christophe Bacquié)

06 May 2020

I'm starting to have a lot of cake recipes on my blog, but it's been a long time since I've made lemon cake ! I had already tried Pierre Hermé’s recipe, which was delicious, but this time I tried a recipe I saw on instagram, a lemon and olive oil cake by Christophe Bacquié. The cake is really delicious, soft and well-flavoured and it's very simple and quick to make ;-)

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Prep time : 20 minutes + 40 minutes cooking
For a 14 to 18cm cake mold (I used a 20cm mold but I prefer my cakes bigger so I would multiply the quantities by 1,5 or 2 if I make it again in the same mold) :

The cake :

150g sugar

The zest of 2 lemons

2 eggs

7cl or 70g liquid cream 30 or 35% fat

120g flour

2g baking powder

4cl or 40g olive oil

Mix the eggs with the sugar, zest and cream.

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Add the flour and baking powder.

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Slightly warm the olive oil, then add it to the previous mixture.

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Versez la pâte dans le moule à cake beurré ou chemisé avec du papier sulfurisé, puis enfournez dans le four préchauffé à 150°C pendant environ 40 minutes (à ajuster selon votre four et si vous augmentez les proportions).

Pour the dough into the buttered or lined with parchment paper cake tin and bake it in the preheated oven at 150°C for about 40 minutes (to be adjusted according to your oven and if you increase the proportions).

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While cooking, prepare the lemon punch :

The lemon punch :

3cl or 30g lemon juice

30g of sugar

3cl or 30g water

Mix the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Continue cooking the punch over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.

As soon as the cake comes out of the oven, unmould it and soak it with the punch.

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Let it cool, then enjoy !

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