Vanilla & raspberry confit crepes cake

Vanilla & raspberry confit crepes cake

08 May 2020

Today I propose you a cake without oven, since it is composed of vanilla crepes, a raspberry confit and a vanilla whipped cream. It is super simple to make, even if of course it takes a little time (the time to make the crepes and let them cool). On the other hand, you can prepare it the day before for the next day or the morning for the evening ; by keeping it in the fridge, it will always be delicious ! If necessary, you can make a strawberry confit, or mixed red fruits instead of raspberries, and of course you can also flavor the whipped cream and the crepes batter according to your taste (tonka bean, citrus zests...). I chose vanilla, I used as always the one from Koro (you have 5% discount on the whole site with the code ILETAITUNGATEAU), and for the crepes batter I added a little vanilla flavor. There you go, you know everything, heat the crepe pan !

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Prep time : 1h to 1h30
For 6 to 8 servings (18cm cake) :

Vanilla crepes :

3 eggs
600ml milk
225g flour
25g sugar
½ vanilla pod or vanilla powder or vanilla flavouring

Mix the flour, vanilla and eggs.

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Then add the sugar, then the milk little by little, stirring well to avoid lumps (if necessary, you can use a hand blender to smooth the dough). 

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Cover it and let it rest for at least 15 minutes (you can prepare the raspberry confit during this time), you can also prepare it several hours in advance and keep it in the refrigerator.
Then lightly grease your crepe pan (I do this with a paper towel soaked in neutral oil, but you can also use butter), heat it well and cook your crepes one by one.

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!!! cakegggcrepesgggconfitgggframboisegggvanille$$8

For info my crepe pan is 24cm in diameter, if yours is a little smaller your cake will be a little thicker, if it is bigger you can increase the diameter of the cake and you will have a thinner cake.

When the pancakes come out of the pan, lay them one on top of the other so that they stay soft. Let them cool.

!!! caaugggcrepesgggconfitgggframboisegggvanille$$9

Raspberry confit :

450g raspberries (frozen or fresh)
115g of sugar
25g lemon juice

Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and let the raspberries "melt" over low heat.

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When the mixture is homogeneous, increase the heat and bring the mixture to a small boil for several minutes, stirring regularly (depending on the raspberries and the temperature, this step can take 10 to 20 minutes); continue cooking until you have a slightly thick mixture, which coats the spatula (you can test by dipping the spatula in the mixture and drawing a line with your finger on it, if the line remains clean it is ready!)

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Pour the confit into a container, cover it with plastic wrap and leave it to cool in the refrigerator.

Vanilla whipped cream :

150g full cream (minimum 30, if possible 35% fat)
25g icing sugar
1 vanilla pod

The best is to do this step when the crepes and the confit have cooled down, just before assembly.
Mix the cream with the vanilla seeds. Whip the mixture, when it starts to thicken add the icing sugar and continue to whip until you have a firm whipped cream.

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Assembly :

A few raspberries for decoration

I decided to cut the center of my crepes to change the shape for this cake, but of course it's not mandatory (if you don't do it, slightly increase the quantities for the confit and for the whipped cream to be able to garnish all the crepes).

Use a circle of 18cm in diameter to cut all the crepes, then a circle of 8cm in diameter to create a hole in the centre of the crepes.

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On your serving dish, place the first crepe.

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Spread a thin layer of raspberry confit on top, then place the second crepe and continue the assembly until all the crepes and confit are used up.

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Put the cake in the fridge for a few minutes, then finish with the whipped cream.
Spread the whipped cream all around the cake and on top, smoothing with a spatula. There you go, you just have to decorate your cake with the pancake scraps and some raspberries, and enjoy!
The cake keeps well for 24 hours in the fridge, so you can prepare it a little in advance if you need it ;-)

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