Waffles (Pierre Hermé)

Waffles (Pierre Hermé)

20 May 2020

It's been a very long time since I've made waffles, and at home 90% of the time when we talk about waffles we talk about Liège waffles, the best ! To change my usual recipe, I wanted to try a recipe published in the latest Fou de Pâtisserie, Pierre Hermé’s recipe. The recipe is rather simple, especially if you have a robot (otherwise, elbow grease will be your best ally) and very good. For me, it was a little too sweet, so I give you my advice below, especially if you add maple syrup, chocolate, a scoop of ice cream... Finally, you can easily prepare a large quantity of them and put them in the freezer, you just have to put them in a hot oven or in the preheated waffle iron for a few minutes so that they are hot and crispy again ;-)

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Prep time : 40 minutes + 2h30 rest+ 2 à 3 minutes cooking (to be adjusted according to the waffle iron)
For 20-25 waffles :

Ingredients :

300g flour
25g caster sugar
10g brown sugar
2 pinches of salt
125g whole milk
25g of fresh yeast
60g of beaten egg
225g of butter
225g of pearl sugar (you can lower the quantity if you don't like waffles that are too sweet, personally I found the result a little too sweet, I'd put 125 or 150g instead)

Recipe :

Mix the flour, salt, caster sugar and brown sugar in the bowl of the food processor with the kneading tool.

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Separately, dilute the fresh yeast in the milk, then add the egg.

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Gradually pour this mixture into the bowl, kneading at low speed until the mixture is homogeneous.

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When the dough comes away from the sides of the bowl, add the butter cut into small pieces and knead at low speed.

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When it is incorporated, continue kneading for about 10 minutes (at the end of kneading the dough should be smooth and elastic).

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Cover with a plastic wrap and leave to rest for 1 hour at room temperature. Then add the pearl sugar and knead to distribute it evenly in the dough.

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Next, two techniques:
The first, the original recipe, spread the dough between two sheets of baking paper 1cm thick.

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Put a plastic wrap on the dough and put it in the fridge for 1 hour. Then cut ovals (or round if you only have round cutters like me) about 8cm long (soak the cutter in hot water between each cut to prevent it from sticking).

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Put the waffles on parchment paper, cover them with a plastic wrap and leave them in the fridge for 30 minutes.

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Second technique, easier (especially if you don't have the right equipment), film the dough and put it in the fridge for about 1 hour. Then, cut small balls with a spoon and put them on a baking sheet. Film them and put them in the fridge for 30 minutes before baking.

Preheat the waffle iron (if it has a thermostat, set it to 200°C). Put two doughs in the waffle iron (lower the temperature to 150°C) and let them cook for 2 minutes and 30 minutes (to be adjusted of course according to your waffle iron).

This is the result for technique 1:

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And for technique 2 :

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There you go, your waffles are ready, enjoy !

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Lorena - 20 May 2020
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I’ll prepare them on Saturday for our special breakfast.. Regards from Spain!
Flavie - il était un gâteau 30 May 2020
You’re welcome ! Hope you like it 😍

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