Pistachio McFlurry-Style Ice Cream

Pistachio McFlurry-Style Ice Cream

14 January 2025

Difficulty: toque

Price: Cheap

You probably know McDonald's McFlurry ice creams, creamy ice creams usually topped with chocolate or caramel and various toppings; but I recently saw that they launched the Italian version of this frozen dessert in France, pistachio! Without hesitation, here I am armed with my pure pistachio puree from koro to make my version (less sweet) of this ice cream which is actually a Fior di latte ice cream (flower of milk), without eggs, very simple to prepare! It's up to you to adjust the amount of sugar, or even use pistachio spread instead of pure puree if you prefer :)
I used pistachio puree, crushed pistachios, and vanilla sugar from Koro: code ILETAITUNGATEAU for 5% OFF sitewide (non-affiliated).

Preparation time: 15 minutes + rest + freezing time
Serves 4:



230g of whole milk
 60g of sugar
 10g of vanilla sugar (or sugar)
 30g of powdered glucose (or sugar)
 3g of stabilizer for ice cream & sorbet
 360g of heavy cream
 1 to 2 tablespoons of pistachio puree per person
 2 cookies type shortbread or petit beurre
 Some crushed pistachios


Bring the milk to a boil, then add the sugar, vanilla sugar, glucose, and stabilizer. Keep it on the heat for a few minutes, making sure the sugar is completely dissolved. Off the heat, add the cream, then blend with an immersion blender and cool completely.
 Mc flurry pistache 1

 When the mixture is cold, you can put it in an ice cream maker or turbine (the freezing time depends on your machine and the associated instructions).

Mc flurry pistache 2

 Then, pour it into individual verrines and add the pistachio puree (you can also layer the ice cream and pistachio puree).

Mc flurry pistache 3


Mc flurry pistache 4

 Sprinkle with crushed pistachios and cookie pieces before enjoying!

Mc flurry pistache 5


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Mc flurry pistache 8


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