Tiramisu macarons

Tiramisu macarons

30 May 2020

It's been a long time since I've made macarons, so when I saw the amount of egg whites I had in the fridge I thought this was my chance ! I also had a jar of mascarpone in the fridge, so my flavor was all there, tiramisu macaroons. The filling is super simple to make, in 5 minutes it's done, you just need to have a fresh egg in your hand since it will be eaten without cooking. Otherwise this is my usual recipe for macaron shells, I give you my way of proceeding and the temperature / cooking time, but for macarons you must first know your oven so you may have to adapt these steps ! To your piping bags!

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Prep time : 30 minutes + 12 minutes cooking + a few hours in the fridge before eating
For around 30 macarons :

Macarons shells :

150g icing sugar
150g almond powder
55g egg whites (1) at room temperature
55g egg whites (2) at room temperature
37g of water
150g caster sugar
Cocoa powder

Sift the icing sugar and almond powder, then add the egg whites (1).

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Next, prepare the Italian meringue : make a syrup with the water and caster sugar.
When it reaches 110°C, start beating the egg whites (2).

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When the syrup is at 118°C, pour it over the egg whites and continue whisking until you obtain a shiny meringue.

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Take half of the Italian meringue and pour it into the first mixture.

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When the mixture is homogeneous, add the remaining Italian meringue, mixing with a spatula or maryse. When the dough makes the « ribbon » (see pictures), pour it into a piping bag fitted with a 1cm plain tip.

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Pipe the shells on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper

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Let them dry for about 15 minutes in the open air (when you put your finger on them, gently of course, if it doesn't stick they are ready to cook!). During this time, preheat the oven to about 140°C (to be adjusted of course according to your oven!). Sprinkle the cocoa powder shells with a sieve.

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Bake the shells for about 12 minutes. Leave them to cool before taking them off the baking paper.

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Tiramisu filling :

1 egg
25g sugar
200g mascarpone
3g soluble coffee (about 1 tablespoon)
½ teaspoon cocoa powder

Separate the white from the yolk.
Mix the yolk with the coffee, sugar and cocoa.

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Then add the mascarpone with a maryse.

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Finally, whisk the egg white and gently add it to the previous mixture.

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Garnish half of the shells with the cream, then close the macarons.

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Leave them in the fridge for a few hours before enjoying !

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