Marble cake (Frédéric Bau)

Marble cake (Frédéric Bau)

06 June 2020

I continue in my series of marble cakes by pastry chefs with the version by Frédéric Bau, the chef of Valrhona. A plain & chocolate version that seems classic at first glance but is not really classic thanks to its dulcey and ginger "filling". I discovered this association with this recipe and it's really delicious, the two go together wonderfully ! So of course it's possible to make the simple cake recipe without this part but it doesn't take much time so I really advise you to make this ganache, even if you just use it to glaze the cake if you want to spend less time on it ;-)

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Prep time : 45 minutes + 1 night rest + 45 minutes cooking
For an 18 to 20cm cake :

Marble cake dough :

25g whole milk
100g butter
125g whole eggs
60g icing sugar
125g T45 flour
5g baking powder
65g honey
2 pinches of fleur de sel

75g of dark chocolate with 55% cacao
20g cold whole milk

The day before :

Melt the butter.
Sift the flour, icing sugar and baking powder and add the fleur de sel.

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Whisk the eggs with the honey.

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Add the sieved powders, milk and melted butter at 45-48°C.

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I separated the dough to add the chocolate at that time, before letting the dough rest in the fridge overnight, but as a result, the two doughs did not have the same consistency at all the next day when I piped them before baking. So I would advise you to put the dough in the fridge once the milk and butter are added.

The D day :
The next day, take the dough out of the fridge and remove 200g of dough.
Melt the chocolate at 45-50°C. Add the milk with a whisk, then add this mixture to the 200g of plain dough.

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Butter and flour the pan (or line it with parchment paper), then pour / pipe the two dough alternately.
Preheat the oven to 160°C, then put the cake in the oven for about 45 minutes (with my oven, the baking time was longer, check with the blade of a knife which should come out dry). Let the cake cool down.

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Dulcey-ginger mix :

150g Dulcey chocolate
15g fresh ginger juice or 60-70g fresh ginger

If you use fresh ginger: put it in the centrifuge to get 15g of juice. If like me, you don't have a centrifuge, you can grate the ginger and pass it through a muslin or a very fine sieve, or (which I did) use a garlic press and then pass the ginger through a sieve.

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Once the 15g of juice has been obtained, melt the Dulcey chocolate at 45-50°C, then pour the ginger juice over it, stirring vigorously to obtain a shiny, elastic texture (like a ganache).

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Pour the mixture into a piping bag and set aside at room temperature.
When the cake is cold, pierce holes in it with a knife or a fairly thin pick, then fill the holes inside with the dulcey-ginger ganache.

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I used the rest of the mixture to decorate the cake (you can also make more or bigger holes). Let it harden for a few minutes, then enjoy!

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