Marble cake (Karim Bourgi)
01 July 2020
A new marble recipe, every time a chef shares his recipe I can't help but test it ! This time it's Karim Bourgi's recipe, shared on his instagram account. The recipe is quite simple, you just need to provide a large quantity of egg yolks (a good opportunity to make macarons and meringues right after). Some precisions, after cooking the chef inserts some dulcey and ginger caramel in the cake, he didn't give his recipe so I didn't do it but you can get inspiration from the same mix that Frédéric Bau makes in his marbled cake, even if it's a ganache and not a caramel. He also ices the cake, but the icing recipe is not shared either, so I used Cyril Lignac's milk chocolate icing recipe, you can adapt it with or without nuts and with the chocolate of your choice. You know it all, the recipe is easy, fast and very good so go for it J
Prep time : 30 minutes with icing + 50 minutes de cuisson
For a 26cm cake :
Vanilla batter :
158g egg yolks (about 9 yolks)
175g caster sugar
88g cream 35%
140g T55 flour
3,5g baking powder
53g butter
1 vanilla pod
Melt the butter slowly and let it cool.
Whisk the egg yolks and sugar, then add the cream and vanilla seeds.
Add the sifted flour and baking powder.
Finish with the melted butter, mix well and leave at room temperature for a few minutes while you prepare the cocoa batter.
Cocoa batter :
70g egg yolks (about 4 yolks)
105g caster sugar
61g cream 35%
70g T55 flour
18g cocoa
1,8g baking powder
26g butter
Melt the butter and let it cool.
Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar, then add the cream.
Add the sifted flour, baking powder and cocoa and finish with the melted butter.
Assembly :
Butter and flour or line the cake tin with parchment paper. Alternate the two doughs, starting with the vanilla dough (and making larger dashes of vanilla dough since there is more than the cocoa dough) until both doughs are used up.
Bake in the preheated oven at 150°C for about 50 minutes (check with a knife, it should come out dry).
Let cool, then enjoy, or do like me and add a chocolate icing for even more delicacy ! Here is the recipe I used, it's Cyril Lignac's for his marbled cake :
Icing :
50g chopped almonds or hazelnuts
225g milk chocolate
50g sunflower oil
Roast the chopped almonds or hazelnuts at 210°C for 5 minutes. Melt the chocolate at 45°C then add the sunflower oil and almonds/hazelnuts. Set aside at room temperature.
Pour the frosting over the cooled cake (to improve adhesion, you can put the cake in the refrigerator or freezer for a few minutes).
There you go, now you can enjoy!
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