Almond & rapsberry tart

Almond & rapsberry tart

27 July 2020

A new tart recipe, gourmet and fruity, flavoured with almond and raspberry this time ! I used Valrhona's almond and raspberry inspirations, for those who don't know, it is a fake chocolate prepared with fruit (here almond and raspberry), cocoa butter and sugar. They can be used exactly like chocolate, here I used them in crispy, ganache montée and namelaka, all laid on a breton shortbread and topped with a few raspberries. In terms of organization, the best is to make the ganache and namelaka the day before, you can also make the dough of the shortbread at that time, this way on the D-day you will only have to manage the baking of the shortbread, the crispy layer and the finishing touches.

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Prep time : 1 hour + 1 night rest + 15 minutes cooking
For a 18cm tart (6 to 8 servings) :

Almond inspiration ganache montée :

60g almond inspiration
37g liquid cream (1)
11g glucose syrup 
8g honey
115g liquid cream (2)

Heat the cream (1) with the glucose and honey. Then, pour the mixture over the almond inspiration and mix well with a maryse.

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When the ganache is smooth and shiny, add the cold liquid cream (2), mix well, put a plastic wrap on it and place in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours, if possible overnight.

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Rapsberry inspiration namelaka :

75g raspberry inspiration
87g liquid cream
43g whole milk
2g glucose
1g gelatine

Rehydrate the gelatin in cold water.
Melt the raspberry inspiration with glucose.

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Heat the milk and add the rehydrated and wrung out gelatine. Pour the hot milk over the melted chocolate and stir well. Add the cold cream and mix with a hand blender.

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Put a plastic wrap on it and leave in the fridge for at least 6 hours, if possible overnight. 

Breton shortbread :

2 egg yolks
75g sugar
75g softened butter
100g flour
5g baking powder

Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar.

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Add the softened butter, mix well, then finish with the sifted flour and baking powder.

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Roughly spread the dough between two sheets of baking paper and put it in the fridge for at least 45 minutes.

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Then spread the dough in a 18cm circle and bake the shortbread in the preheated oven at 180°C for about 15 minutes.

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Remove the shortbread from the oven and leave it to cool.

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Almond inspiration crispy layer :

50g crêpes dentelles (crispy cookies)
65g almond inspiration

Melt the almond inspiration, then add the crumbled crêpes dentelles and spread the crispy mixture over the cooled shortbread, pressing down well. Leave to harden.

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Assembly :

100g rapsberries

Once the crispy layer has hardened, take the almond ganache out of the fridge and whip it up like a whipped cream, then place it in a piping bag fitted with a small star tip.

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Pour the raspberry namelaka into a piping bag fitted with a plain tip.

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Pipe the two creams on the shortbread, then decorate with fresh raspberries.

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There you go, your tart is ready, you can enjoy it !

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