Crème brûlée (Karim Bourgi)

Crème brûlée (Karim Bourgi)

29 July 2020

A vanilla creme brulee, who can resist it ? This time I used Karim Bourgi's recipe, shared as always on his instagram account, even if I changed the cooking method a bit to get a result more to my taste. I also reduced the quantities, to make a dessert for 4 people. Finally, I really liked these crème brûlées but I found them a little too sweet; so if like me you like to have a nice caramelized layer on top, I advise you to put only 50g of sugar in the cream.

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Prep time : 10 minutes + 3h20 rest + 1 hour cooking
For 4 servings :

Ingredients :

110g whole milk
75g brown sugar
1 vanilla bean
90g egg yolks (about 5 yolks)
300g liquid cream with 35% fat
Caster sugar or brown sugar for caramelization

Recipe :

Boil the milk with the vanilla and let it infuse for about 20 minutes, covering the pan.

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Whisk the egg yolks with the brown sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved.

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Then, pour the hot vanilla milk on the eggs, and finish by adding the cold cream.

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Blend with a hand blender to obtain a smooth texture, then cover and place in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
For cooking, I did not do the method recommended by Karim Bourgi, I give you the two methods : preheat the oven to 100°C, then put the crèmes brûlées in a dish with water to make a bain-marie. Bake for about 50 to 60 minutes depending on your oven. He gave the result on video on his instagram account, explaining that he likes the ultra-creamy crème brûlée, with a texture that is still a little "liquid". I prefer the crème brûlée a little more "set", so I followed my usual cooking technique when making this dessert : preheat the oven to 95-100°C, and bake the creams for about 1 hour without a bain-marie. They are ready when you can put your finger (delicately) on them and feel a resistance. In any case, be careful not to cook them too long and especially at too high a temperature, you risk having lumps in your creams!

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When they come out of the oven, let them cool for a few minutes and then place them in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

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Sprinkle with sugar and caramelize with a kitchen blowtorch before enjoying !

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