Vanilla & blueberry tropezienne pie

Vanilla & blueberry tropezienne pie

13 August 2020

Today a summery, fruity and very good recipe, a tropezienne pie with vanilla and blueberry ! I used Nicolas Paciello's recipe for the brioche, which is great, combined with a diplomate cream with vanilla and a good dose of fresh blueberries. You can of course modify the fruit and the flavor of the diplomate cream's at your convenience (strawberry & basil, apricot & rosemary, raspberry & tonka, peach & vanilla...). The recipe is really not complicated, and can be made the D-day, although you can very well make the brioche dough and the custard the day before and keep them in the fridge overnight if necessary.

Prep time : 50 minutes + about 3h30 rest + 30 minutes cooking
For a 24cm tropézienne pie (about 10 servings) :

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The brioche :

245g flour
7g fresh yeast
85g butter
30g sugar
1 egg
100g whole milk
5g salt

1 egg for gilegg wash

Place the milk with the crumbled yeast in the bowl. Cover with the flour. Then add the sugar, salt and egg separately.

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Start kneading at low speed until you have a homogeneous mixture, then increase the speed a little so as to obtain a smooth ball that comes away from the sides of the bowl. Then add the butter and start kneading again until the dough comes away from the sides of the bowl. At the end of kneading, the dough should form a « veil ».

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Form a ball, then put the dough in a plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for at least 2 hours. In the meantime, you can prepare the blueberry soaking syrup and the vanilla custard.
After resting, degas the dough and form 10 balls of 40g and a larger one with the remaining dough.

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Arrange them in a buttered circle of 24cm (I used a circle of 20cm so I put only 9 small balls and 1 large of 120g, and I made a small individual bun next to it).
Let the brioche grow for about 1h30 (more or less depending on the outside temperature), then preheat the oven to 200°C.

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Put the egg wash on the brioche with a brush, then put it in the oven for about 25 to 30 minutes (depending on your oven). Let the brioche cool down.

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Punching syrup with blueberry compote :  

100g blueberries
50g sugar (1)

50g sugar
35g water

Mix the blueberries and sugar (1). Cook gently until a compote is formed.
Bring the water and sugar (2) to the boil until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Gradually add the sugar syrup to the compote until it has a fairly syrupy texture, so that it can soak the brioche.

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Let it cool down.

Vanilla diplomate cream :

100g liquid cream
75g whole milk
1 vanilla bean
50g sugar
2 whole eggs
1 egg yolk
30g cornstarch

200g liquid cream with 35% fat

Let's start with the custard : mix the milk with the liquid cream. Add the seeds of the scraped vanilla bean, then bring to the boil, and if you have time let it infuse for at least 30 minutes, your cream will have even more taste.

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Whisk the eggs, yolk, sugar and cornstarch.

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Add half of the hot vanilla milk, stirring all the time, then pour it back into the saucepan.

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Cook, whisking constantly over medium heat until the cream thickens.

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Then pour the cream into another container and put a plastic wrap on it and cool it in the refrigerator (if you are in a hurry, you can also put an ice pack on top of the plastic wrap, the cream will cool down faster). 
When the pastry cream is cold, whip the liquid cream into a not too firm whipped cream, then take a third of it and mix vigorously with the pastry cream.

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Gently add the rest of the whipped cream to the maryse, then put the cream in a piping bag fitted with the tip of your choice and proceed with the assembly.

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Assembly :

Icing sugar
150g blueberries

Cut the brioche in half. Soak both parts with the blueberry syrup, then pipe the vanilla diplomate cream on the base of the tropezienne.
Arrange the fresh blueberries on top, then close the brioche.

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Sprinkle with a little icing sugar and enjoy !

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