Coffee charlotte (coffee mousse cake)
24 August 2020
Today a well caffeinated recipe, a 100% coffee charlotte, made of course with a biscuit à la cuillère, a dark chocolate and praline crunchy, and a coffee mousse. The recipe is not complicated, it's rather fast, and if you like coffee, you'll love it ;-)
Prep time : 1h15 + 2x10 minutes cooking + some time in the fridge/freezer
For a 22 to 24cm charlotte :
Biscuit à la cuillère :
150g egg whites (about 5 whites)
150g sugar
100g egg yolks (about 6 yolks)
130g flour
80g chocolate chips
Whisk the egg whites until stiff, then add the sugar gradually while whisking.
When you have a firm and shiny meringue, add the egg yolks and whisk for a few seconds to incorporate them.
Then gently add the sifted flour to the maryse.
Put the dough in a piping bag fitted with a plain 1cm tip. Pipe 2 circles of 20 to 22cm in diameter, and two cartouchières (see pictures) of 6cm high, so that you can go around your circle.
Place the chocolate chips on the two circles.
Bake for about 10 minutes at 180°C, the biscuits should be cooked but still very soft. Carefully remove them from the baking paper.
Place your circle on your serving dish or golden cardboard, then place the cartouchière all the way around, not hesitating to tighten the biscuits at the point of the joint, so as not to have any leakage. Place one of the biscuit circles at the bottom, cutting it if necessary to get it to the right size.
Punching syrup :
60g sugar75g water
10g coffee extract
Mix all the ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Lightly soak the biscuit that forms the base of the charlotte and reserve the rest for assembly.
Chocolate and praliné crunchy :
35g dark chocolate
45g crêpes dentelles
50g of praliné
Melt the dark chocolate, then add the crumbled crêpes dentelles and the praliné.
Spread the crunch on the soaked biscuit base, and place in a cool place for it to harden.
Coffee mousse :
250g whole milk
100g egg yolks (about 6 yolks)
120g sugar
8g gelatine
40g coffee extract
400g full cream
Put the gelatine to be rehydrated in a large bowl of cold water, then heat the milk and coffee extract.
Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar. Pour the hot milk over the egg yolks, then pour the mixture back into the pan. Cook until 83°C, stirring constantly, then remove from the heat and add the rehydrated and wrung out gelatine.
Cool the cream to 35-40°C, then whip the liquid cream to a whipped cream.
Add ¼ whipped cream to the custard, stirring well with a whisk, then add the rest delicately to the maryse.
When the mousse is ready, proceed to assembly immediately.
Assembly :
Neutral glazeChocolate chips
Pour half of the mousse over the cruncy layer, then sprinkle with a few chocolate chips.
Add the second biscuit, soak it and then pour the rest of the mousse up to the height of the biscuits. Chill for at least 3 hours in the refrigerator (or in the freezer for those in a hurry), then glaze with some neutral icing and decorate with a few chocolate chips before enjoying !
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