Cinnamon rolls

Cinnamon rolls

12 September 2020

My first cinnamon rolls... I love it and yet I had never realized it ! It's done with this easy but not really fast recipe, since as always with brioche there is a lot of growing and resting time. Apart from that, there's really nothing complicated, a well kneaded brioche dough, a cinnamon butter filling and a cream cheese icing and that's it !

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Prep time : 30 minutes + at lest 2h30 rest + 20 minutes cooking
For 8 to 9 servings / a 24cm mold :

Brioche :

80g whole milk
70g sugar
10g fresh yeast
2 eggs
60g butter
1 teaspoon of vanilla flavouring
350g flour
5g salt
1 teaspoon of cinnamon

Place the milk with the yeast in the bowl of the robot with the kneading accessory. Cover with the flour and place the sugar, salt, eggs, cinnamon and vanilla flavouring separately.

Knead at low speed for a few minutes until the dough is homogeneous, smooth and elastic.

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Then add the butter cut into small pieces, and continue to knead until the dough comes away from the sides of the bowl and is elastic.

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Form a ball and let it grow for 30 minutes at room temperature.

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Degas the dough, form a ball again, put a plastic wrap on it and place it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

Cinnamon filling :

120g brown sugar
2 tablespoons of cinnamon
75g softened butter

Mix the softened butter with the sugar and cinnamon.

Cooking :

Spread the dough into a large rectangle, about 4mm thick (the rectangle should be a little less than 40*30cm).

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Spread the cinnamon butter on it, then roll the dough.

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Cut out sections about 4 to 5cm thick. Place the rolls in a buttered dish or circle and let it grow for about 1h30, they should double in volume.

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Bake them in the preheated oven at 180°C for about 20 minutes (of course, if you make individual portions, the baking time will have to be shortened). In the meantime, prepare the glaze.

Cream cheese icing :

150g cream cheese
40g softened butter
165g powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 pinch of salt

Mix the cream cheese with the softened butter so as to have a homogeneous cream. Add the powdered sugar, vanilla extract and a pinch of salt. When the rolls come out of the oven, pour immediately the icing over them, then enjoy !

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