Crunchy chocolate, caramel & praliné candy bars

Crunchy chocolate, caramel & praliné candy bars

13 September 2020

A simple little treat without oven today ! A crispy base with french cookies names gavottes, praliné and dark chocolate and a layer of salted caramel covered with a milk chocolate coating, in short a nice program J You can of course adapt the recipe by using only dark chocolate or only milk chocolate according to your taste, but if you take milk chocolate I advise you to take one with a high enough percentage of cocoa so as not to have a too sweet result. Apart from that, no particular difficulty in this recipe, you only need a little patience to let the different layers crystallize before you enjoy it !

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Prep time : 40 minutes + time to let the caramel and chocolate cristallyze
For a dozen chocolate candy bars :

Chocolate and praliné crispy layer :

65g Gavottes

125g dark chocolat (Caraïbes by Valrhona for me)

100g praliné

Melt the chocolate, then add the praliné and crumbled gavottes.

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Mix well, then spread the crisp in a frame of about 20cm.

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Place in the refrigerator while you prepare the caramel.

Salted caramel :

235g sugar

150g liquid whole cream

70g salted butter

1 pinch of fleur de sel

Prepare a caramel with the sugar.

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At the same time, heat the liquid cream.

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When the caramel has a nice amber color, deglaze it little by little with the hot cream, stirring well with a whisk and paying attention to the projections.

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When the caramel is homogeneous, add the butter cut in small cubes and the fleur de sel. Keep cooking it for a few minutes (about ten), until the caramel thickens a little and has a good texture.

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To check the texture, dip a spoon into the caramel and place it in the freezer. After a few minutes, you will have the texture of the caramel once cooled. When the caramel is ready, let it cool and debubble, then pour it over the crisp.

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Smooth the surface, and place again in a cool place for the caramel to crystallize. When the caramel has hardened, cut out bars and place them in the freezer, they will be easier to cover with the chocolate.

Chocolate coating :

300g milk chocolate with 46% cocoa (Bahibé from Valrhona for me)

Gently melt 2/3 of the chocolate in a bain-marie, without exceeding 35°C. Then add the rest of the chopped chocolate and stir until the chocolate is melted and fluid.

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Dip the bars in the chocolate, shake them a little to remove excess chocolate, then place them on a sheet of baking paper. If you want to decorate them, like me for example with crispy pearls, do it quickly before the chocolate crystallizes.

Let it harden, then enjoy ! If you want to keep them for a few days, keep them in the fridge and take them out a few minutes before tasting.

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