Dulcey & Coffee Truffles

Dulcey & Coffee Truffles

30 December 2019

Difficulty: toque

For the holidays this year, I decided to switch from the usual dark chocolate truffles to ones made with dulcey chocolate and coffee. If you don't like coffee, you can of course make the recipe without it, and if you want a strong coffee flavor, you can increase the amount to 10 or 12g; you can adjust it according to your preferences. The recipe is very simple; it just requires a bit of patience to let the ganache set before forming the truffles ;-)

For about sixty truffles (depending on their size):


120g of full liquid cream

300g of Dulcey chocolate

1 teaspoon of honey

8g of instant coffee (to adjust to your taste)

A pinch of unsweetened cocoa powder (or crumbs of speculoos, melted chocolate...)


Bring the cream and honey to a boil, add the instant coffee, then pour the mixture in three stages over the melted chocolate, stirring well to obtain a smooth and glossy ganache.

Let it cool and harden, then put the ganache in a pastry bag and pipe small balls onto a sheet of parchment paper and refrigerate them. If you don't have a pastry bag, you can simply form small balls by hand or with a spoon.

Once they are firm, roll them in cocoa powder (or in speculoos crumbs, or melted chocolate, or whatever you prefer), then enjoy! They can be stored in the refrigerator for a few days (about two weeks).

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