

25 September 2020

The brookie, a delicious combination of brownie and cookies... I had never realized it before, but the arrival of autumn and rain made me want to go for it ! I was inspired by a recipe of Karim Bourgi for the brownie part, and by my Levain Bakery copycat cookies recipe for the cookie part. I used Guanaja (70%), Caraïbes (66%), and Bahibe (46%) chocolates for this recipe, try to use chocolates with the same percentages of cocoa otherwise you might get a too sweet result. Otherwise, nothing could be simpler, this cake is super easy to make, and is really delicious ;)

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Prep time : 20 minutes + 30 to 40 minutes cooking
For a 22cm diameter brookie 
| about 8 servings :

Brownie :

200g whole eggs
100g muscovado sugar
100g brown sugar (cassonade)
220g butter
15g cocoa
120g 70% cocoa dark chocolate
50g flour T55
125g of 66% cocoa chocolate chips

Whisk the eggs with the sugars.

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Melt the butter and chocolate and add them to the eggs.

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Add the sifted flour and cocoa, mix, then add the chocolate chips.

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Pour into a mold about 22cm in diameter, then set aside.

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Cookie dough :

115g butter
55g muscovado sugar
50g brown sugar
1 egg
185g flour T55
2g baking powder
A pinch of salt
40g nuts
35g hazelnuts
120g chocolate chips (half milk chocolate half dark chocolate for me)

Mix the softened butter with the sugars.

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Add the egg, emulsify, then stir in the flour, baking powder and salt.

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Then add the chocolate chips and chopped nuts and hazelnuts.

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Arrange the cookie dough on top of the brownie.

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Bake in the preheated oven at 170°C for about 30 to 40 minutes depending on whether you want the brownie to be runny, melting or firm.
When it comes out of the oven, let it cool down, then unmould and enjoy !

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