Coffee & dulcey cake

Coffee & dulcey cake

30 September 2020

Here I am again with a chocolate cake that doesn't look like one ! I used Valrhona's Dulcey chocolate, a chocolate with a little caramelized taste that goes very well with coffee. The cake is very simple to make and can be enjoyed on its own, but I wanted to add a delicious coffee caramel. It's up to you to make your choice, with or without caramel, the cake should please you ;)

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Prep time : 30 minutes + 30 minutes cooking
For a 18cm cake (6 to 8 servings) :

Dulcey and coffee cake :

200g dulcey chocolate

110g butter

60g sugar

3 eggs

90g coffee (like an expresso)

70g flour

50g cornstarch

5g baking powder

A pinch of salt

Whisk the eggs with the sugar and then add the coffe

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Melt the chocolate with the butter.

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Pour this mixture on the eggs.

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Add the sifted flour, cornstarch, salt and baking powder.

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Pour into a mould 18cm in diameter, and bake at 180°C for 30 minutes.

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Allow to cool before unmolding.

Coffee caramel :

100g liquid cream

2g coffee powder

155g sugar

45g semi-salted butter

Heat the cream with the coffee.

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Prepare a dry caramel with the sugar.

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When it has a nice color, pour the cream little by little over it, stirring constantly.

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Then add the butter cut in small pieces, mix well on the fire until the caramel is homogeneous, then remove from the fire and let cool.

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When the cake and caramel have cooled down, pour the caramel over the cake and enjoy !

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