Blueberry and almond cake

Blueberry and almond cake

02 October 2020

A very simple and fruity recipe today, a financier with almonds and blueberries. I used frozen blueberries, you can of course replace them with other fruits depending on the season or what you have in the freezer (raspberries, apricots, apples ...). I reused Cyril Lignac's financier recipe, but in a version to share this time. You can of course use the mould you want, you will just have to adapt the cooking according to the size of it !

financier myrtille 9

Prep time : 15 minutes + 25 minutes cooking :
For about 10 servings :

Ingredients :

150g butter
150g egg whites
170g powdered sugar
100g almond powder
50g flour
1 pinch of salt
100g blueberries

Recipe :

Prepare a brown butter : melt the butter and let it crackle until it has a nice golden color and a hazelnut smell. Let it cool down.
Mix the egg whites with powdered sugar and almond powder.

financier myrtille 1

Add flour and salt. Finally, add the melted butter.

financier myrtille 2

Pour the dough into the buttered and floured mould of your choice and place the blueberries on top.

financier myrtille 3
financier myrtille 4

Bake in the preheated oven at 180°C for approx. 25 minutes (the baking time is to be adapted according to the thickness of your cake).
Let cool, then enjoy ! 

financier myrtille 5

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financier myrtille 8

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