Vanilla Bundt Cake (inspired by Nicolas Paciello)
01 December 2019
I had the chance to attend a workshop by Nicolas Paciello a few months ago, and he welcomed us with slices of his famous vanilla cake that I found delicious. So, when I saw the recipe in Ginette magazine #11 a few weeks ago, I took screenshots so I could make it again. Of course, he bakes it in a circular mold, and I didn't follow his frosting recipe exactly, but the cake recipe is still the same and really very good! Moreover, the cake is quick to prepare, and if you don't feel like frosting it, it is already good on its own ;-)
Preparation time: 40 minutes + 40 minutes of baking
For a small bundt cake mold, or a cake mold of 18-20cm in diameter:
Vanilla Cake:
135g egg yolks
170g granulated sugar
100g heavy cream
135g T45 flour
3g baking powder
45g butter
1 vanilla pod
Melt the butter.
Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar.
Separately, mix the flour, baking powder, and vanilla seeds. Add the egg yolk and sugar mixture while stirring with a whisk.
Then add the cream in 3 parts using a spatula, then the melted and cooled butter.
Butter and flour your mold, then pour the batter into it and bake in a preheated oven at 150°C for about 40 minutes (to check if the cake is cooked, insert a knife; the blade should come out dry).
Vanilla soaking syrup:
50g sugar
150g water
The vanilla pod emptied of its seeds or powdered vanilla
Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil, then let cool.
When the cake comes out of the oven, unmold it onto a rack, and soak it with the warm syrup using a brush.
White chocolate & vanilla glaze:
150g Valrhona ivory chocolate (or another white chocolate)
1 vanilla pod (or powdered vanilla)
78g heavy cream
Melt the chocolate.
Bring the cream to a boil then pour it in 3 parts over the chocolate to create an emulsion and have a smooth and shiny ganache. Add the vanilla seeds or powdered vanilla and mix well. Let it cool a bit at room temperature.
When the cake is unmolded and cooled, spread the ganache over it and let it set completely before enjoying!
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