Pear & almond tart

Pear & almond tart

07 November 2020

One of the most classic tarts, but whose recipe was not yet on my blog : the tart « bourdaloue », pears & almonds. An almond crust, almond cream, pears and slivered almonds, nothing could be simpler but still very effective.

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Prpe time : 40 minutes + 40 minutes cooking
For a 22cm tart | 8 servings :

Almond crust :

200g flour T55
100g butter
80g powdered sugar
25g almond powder
40g egg
A pinch of salt

Cream the butter with the powdered sugar and almond powder.

tarte bourdaloue 1

Add the egg, emulsify, then the flour. Mix quickly to obtain a homogeneous ball. Flatten it, put it in a plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

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tarte bourdaloue 3

Then spread it on 2mm thick, and place it in a circle of 22cm. Put it in the freezer while you prepare the almond cream.

Almond cream :

80g butter
80g powdered sugar
80g egg
80g almond powder

Cream the butter with the powdered sugar.

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Add the almond powder, and finish with the egg so as to obtain a homogeneous cream.

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Assembly and cooking :

4 ripe pears, otherwise prepare a syrup to poach them:
1 liter of water and 250g of sugar, with a little vanilla if you wish
Slivered almonds

If the pears are unripe, bring the water, sugar and vanilla to a boil. Dip the peeled and halved pears in the syrup and let them cook until a knife easily pierces them. When the pears are cooked, drain them and let them cool.
Then cut them into thin slices.
Spread the almond cream in the crust and place the sliced half-pear on top, pressing them lightly.

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tarte bourdaloue 7

Sprinkle with slivered almonds and bake in the preheated oven at 180°C for about 40 minutes.

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