Puff pastry brioche (Cédric Grolet)

Puff pastry brioche (Cédric Grolet)

21 November 2020

The smell of the brioche coming out of the oven = happiness ! And when it is a puff pastry brioche, hydride between a soft brioche and a crispy croissant, happiness is total ;) As for the puff pastry or croissant dough, you will need a little patience between the resting time and the turns to give the dough, but the game is worth the candle.

Prep time : 30 minutes + 1 night rest + 30 minutes cooking
For 1 brioche to share | 6 to 8 servings :

Ingredients :

255g flour T45
5g salt
20g sugar
10g fresh yeast
75g milk
75g egg
25g softened butter
150g dry butter

Recipe :

Put the milk with the crumbled fresh yeast in the bottom of the bowl. Cover with the flour, then add the salt, sugar and eggs.

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Knead for a few minutes until a homogeneous dough comes off the sides of the bowl. Then add the softened butter and knead again to obtain a smooth and elastic dough.

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Put  a plastic wrap on the dough and set it aside at room temperature for 30 minutes. Put the dough back on the lightly floured worktop again and then degas it (press the dough out of the gas accumulated during the first pointing process). Form a ball with the dough, put a plastic wrap on it and place it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes (I left it one night).

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Take the dry butter out of the refrigerator and work it by tapping it with a rolling pin and then give it an elastic but not softened consistency. Put the butter in a small rectangle of baking paper (about 15*20cm maximum) and spread it to give it a rectangular shape.

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Then spread the dough into a rectangle about the same width and twice as long as the butter rectangle.

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Place the butter in the center of the dough, and close it by pressing it well so that there is no more air between the dough and the butter. Then roll out the brioche into a large rectangle (about 3 times longer than it is wide), and fold the dough in 3 like a wallet (always remember to remove the excess flour with a brush). It’s a single turn.

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Put a plastic wrap on it and put the dough in the fridge for 20 minutes. Turn the dough a quarter turn so that the fold is on the right and repeat the operation twice : single turn, rest in the fridge, single turn.

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After the third and last simple turn, put the dough in the fridge for at least 1 hour. Then, spread the dough lengthwise on about 1cm thick and cut a strip. It should be a little less wide than your cake pan and about twice as long. Fold your pastry strip and place it in the buttered cake tin.

brioche feuilletee 1

Leave to rise for about 1 hour, then bake for about 30 minutes in the preheated oven at 180°C. You don't even need to let it cool down, unmould and enjoy ;)

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