Salted caramels

Salted caramels

19 December 2020

Difficulty: toque toque

Among the Christmas delicacies, there are not only chocolates... there are caramels too! Here are some tender caramels that I perfumed with coffee, but you can use this recipe to have classic salted butter caramels, or you can perfume them with vanilla, spices... The recipe is very simple, but you will need a thermometer! Take out the sugar, let's go J

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Mon Thermomètre spatule

Prep time : 25 minutes
For a 25cm square mold :

Ingredients :

120g butter
120g liquid cream
375g sugar
Fleur de sel
4g instant coffee (or vanilla or spices…)

Recipe :

Heat the liquid cream with coffee, vanilla or other, without bringing it to a boil.

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Pour half of the sugar into a saucepan. Heat over low heat until it begins to melt.

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Then gradually add the rest of the sugar. Continue to cook until you have a caramel at 180°C.
Pour the hot cream gradually over the caramel, stirring regularly.

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Continue cooking until a temperature of 140°C is reached.

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Then remove the pan from the heat and add the butter cut into small pieces. Mix well, then when the caramel is homogeneous, add the fleur de sel.

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Pour it into a greased frame and let it cool completely for several hours.

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Then remove the frame, cut out your caramels, and finally enjoy!

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