Fruits jellies (rapsberry, pear, clementine)

Fruits jellies (rapsberry, pear, clementine)

19 December 2020

New delicacy for Christmas, fruit jellies! Here I made pear, clementine and raspberry jellies in express version, with pectin, it's ready in a few minutes. You can of course make them with the fruits of your choice, but you may need to adapt the quantity of pectin accordingly. The recipe is really simple, even faster if you use ready-made fruit purées of course. In any case, a few minutes of preparation, a few hours of patience and you will be able to enjoy!

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Prep time : 20 à 30 minutes
For 6 small gift bags of fruit jellies to offer :

Fruits purées :

First of all, prepare the fruit puree:
For the pears, peel them and cut them into pieces. Put them in a saucepan and cook them over low heat until they have a soft texture that crushes easily.

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Blend them in a hand blender, then proceed to the rest of the recipe.

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For the clementines: peel them, then mix them with a hand blender.

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Then pass the mixture through a strainer to remove the remaining peels.

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For the raspberries: given the season, I used a purchased raspberry puree. In season, you can mix them by passing the mixture through a sieve to remove the small seeds.

Fruit jellies :

500g pear or clementine or raspberry puree
15g NH pectin for pear and raspberry jellies
20g NH pectin for clementine jellies
75g sugar (1)
380g sugar (2)
100g glucose
½ lemon

Heat the fruit puree up to 40°C.

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Add the pectin and sugar (1), stirring well, and bring to a boil. At this point add the sugar (2) and glucose. Continue cooking, stirring regularly, until 105°C is reached.

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Add the juice of half a lemon off the heat, stir well, then pour immediately into a mold.
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I used small silicone cake moulds, but you can also pour in a classic stainless steel frame. Let it harden for a few hours. Then cut out the fruit jellies and roll them in sugar if you wish.

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Let them dry at room temperature overnight.

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Then enjoy!

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