Candied oranges & chocolate

Candied oranges & chocolate

18 December 2020

If like me you like orangettes but you can't manage to eat enough oranges in a few days to be able to make some, here is a good alternative: here we use the peel but also the pulp of the orange. So here is the recipe, very simple but which requires a little patience, slices of candied oranges, of course chocolate-covered for more delicacies!

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Prep time : 45 minutes + a lot of cooking during 3 days
For many candied oranges, you can of course reduce the quantities

Ingredients :

About 1.7kg of orange slices (about 2kg of oranges with the top and bottom removed)
2L of water
1,5kg of sugar
Dark chocolate

Recipe :

Bring the water and sugar to a boil.
In the meantime, clean the oranges and cut slices 0.5 to 1cm wide.

oranges confites chocolat 1

Dip them in the syrup. When it starts boiling again, lower the heat so that it has a slight simmer. Leave cook for about 15 minutes, then turn off the heat. Allow to cool completely. Then turn the heat back on; as before, when it boils, reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 15 minutes. Turn off the heat and allow to cool completely again. Repeat the process as many times as necessary to have slices of candied and melting oranges. I cooked them 8 or 9 times over 3 days. At the end, watch the fire well, it is important that the syrup does not turn into caramel!
When they are ready, remove the orange slices from the syrup and place them on a grid. Let them dry for about 24 hours.

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Finally, temper chocolate by following the temperature graph of your chocolate. If you don't want to temper it, melt 2/3 of it gently in a bain-marie, without exceeding 38-40°C. In the meantime, chop the remaining third of the chocolate. When the chocolate is melted, remove it from the heat and add the chopped chocolate inside. Let it melt, stirring regularly.
When the chocolate is ready, dip the slices of oranges into it, either completely or halfway like me. Put them on a sheet of baking paper, let them crystallize, then enjoy!

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