Pistachio and orange blossom brioche

Pistachio and orange blossom brioche

04 January 2021

After the galettes, the king’s brioche! In Provence, we generally find the classic galettes des rois with frangipane, but also the brioches des rois with candied fruits, often with citrus fruits. Here I made a pistachio and orange blossom version, with a pistachio and orange blossom brioche dough, and a few chopped pistachios and orange peels in addition to the classic sugar as decoration. The recipe is simple and rather quick, and the result is very soft and fragrant!

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Prep time : 45 minutes + time for the brioche to rise + 20 minutes cooking
For 8 to 10 servings :

The brioche :

245g flour
7g yeast
85g butter
30g sugar
1 egg
100g whole milk
20g orange blossom water
35g pistachio butter
Zests of 1/2 orange
50g chopped pistachios
5g salt

1 egg for the egg wash

Place the milk with the crumbled yeast and orange blossom water in the bowl.

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Cover with the flour.

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Then add the sugar, salt and egg separately.

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Start kneading at low speed until you have a homogeneous mixture, then increase the speed a little until the dough comes away from the sides of the bowl. Then add the butter, orange peel and pistachio purée and start kneading again until the dough comes away from the sides of the bowl again.

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At the end of kneading, the dough should form a veil.

Form a ball, then put a plastic wrap on the dough and put it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

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After resting, degas the dough and form 9 balls of about 50g and a larger one with the remaining dough.

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Arrange the small balls in a buttered circle 22cm in diameter, adding a circle of 12cm inside. With the big one, form a crown.

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Let the brioche rise for about 1h30 (more or less depending on the outside temperature), then preheat the oven to 180°C.

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Put some egg wash on the brioche (I diluted it in a little milk), then bake it for about 20 minutes (depending on your oven). Let the brioche cool down.

Decoration :

33g water
85g sugar
5g orange blossom water

100g pistachios
Zest of an orange
30g pearl sugar

Bring the water and sugar to a boil. Add the orange blossom water.

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Chop the pistachios and orange zests with the sugar.

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When the brioche has cooled, put a little syrup on it with a brush, then add the sugar f/ zest / pistachio mixture.
Finally, enjoy!

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