Cinnamon muffins with salted caramel & milk chocolate

Cinnamon muffins with salted caramel & milk chocolate

06 January 2021

Treat of the day, cinnamon muffins filled woth a salted caramel heart and topped with milk chocolate whipped ganache. The recipe is easy, you just need to start the morning for the evening or the day before so that the ganache can be really cold to be frozen.

Material :
Moules à muffin
Poches à douille
Douille à petit four

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Prep time : 45 minutes + minimum 6h rest + 15 minutes cooking
For 10 to 12 muffins depending on their size :

Milk chocolate whipped ganache :

115g 40% cocoa milk chocolate
250g whole liquid cream

Melt the chocolate.

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Heat half of the liquid cream.
Pour the cream 3 times over the melted chocolate, stirring well after each addition, so as to obtain a smooth and shiny ganache.

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Add the rest of the cold liquid cream, mix, then put the plastic wrap on the ganache and put it in the fridge for a minimum of 6 hours, or better, overnight.

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Salted caramel :

100g whole liquid cream
155g sugar
45g salted butter

Heat the liquid cream.
Prepare a dy caramel with the sugar. When the caramel has a nice color, deglaze it little by little with the hot cream while mixing well.

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When it is homogeneous, remove it from the heat, then add the butter in small pieces.

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Mix well and let the caramel cool.

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Cinnamon muffins :

2 eggs
90g sugar
120g butter
220g flour
170g liquid cream
4g baking powder
5g powdered cinnamon 

Melt the butter and let it cool.
Whisk the eggs with the sugar. Then add the sifted flour, baking powder and cinnamon.

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Incorporate the liquid cream, then the cooled butter.

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Pour into the moulds and bake in the preheated oven at 180°C for about 15 minutes (a knife stuck into a muffin should come out dry).

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Assembly :

Once the muffins have cooled, make holes inside and fill them with caramel.

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Whip the ganache like a whipped cream, then put it in a piping bag fitted with a star tip.

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Pipe the whipped ganache on the muffins, then enjoy!

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