Brownie, caramel & hazelnut tart

Brownie, caramel & hazelnut tart

07 January 2021

Today I am inaugurating one of my Christmas gifts, the perforated circle from De Buyer with a super yummy recipe full of chocolate, caramel & hazelnut. On top of that, the recipe is easy and not very long to make, and you can make the dough in advance (by leaving it in the freezer before baking), as well as the caramel (which keeps well in the fridge for several days). Crispy, melting, this tart has everything to please you, and if you didn't eat enough chocolate at Christmas, it's the perfect recipe for you ;)

Material :
Cercle cannelé De Buyer
Rouleau à pâtisserie
Douille lisse
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Prep time : 1h15 + 25 minutes cooking
For a 20cm tart | 8 servings :

Hazelnut dough :

60g butter
90g powdered sugar
30g hazelnut powder
A pinch of salt
50g egg
180g flour T55
50g cornstarch

Mix the softened butter with powdered sugar, salt and hazelnut powder.

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Add the egg and finish with the flour and cornstarch.

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Mix until you obtain a homogeneous dough, no longer, form a ball then put it in a plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

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Then spread the dough on 2mm thick, and put it in your circle.

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Put it in the refrigerator for at least 40 minutes or in the freezer for at least 20 minutes before putting it in the oven for 9 minutes at 170°C.

Hazelnut brownie :

2 eggs
90g caster sugar
45g muscovado sugar
1 CS of vanilla flavor
90g butter
90g dark chocolate
25g flour
12g unsweetened cocoa
1 pinch of salt
60g chopped hazelnuts

Whisk the eggs with the sugars and vanilla until the mixture is well blanched and puffy.

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At the same time, melt the butter with the chocolate.

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Pour the melted butter and chocolate into the eggs, mix, then add the sifted flour and cocoa.

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When the dough is homogeneous, finish by adding the hazelnuts and salt.

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Pour on the pre-cooked tart base up to 2/3 of the height (you will have about 1/3 of the dough left), then bake at 170°C for 18 minutes.

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With the rest of the dough, you can make individual brownies, or bake in a 1cm thick pan, so that you can cut small cubes after baking and cooling to decorate your tart.

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Salted caramel :

100g liquid cream
155g sugar
45g semi-salted butter

Heat the cream.
Prepare a caramel with the sugar. When it has a nice color, deglaze it with the hot cream, stirring constantly.

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When the caramel is homogeneous, remove it from the heat, then add the butter cut into small pieces.

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Mix, then allow to cool until ready to assemble.

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Praliné & chocolate ganache :

96g liquid cream
120g hazelnut praliné
126g Valrhona Azelia milk chocolate
24g honey
36g butter

Heat the cream with the honey.
At the same time, melt the chocolate. Add the praliné.
Then, pour the hot cream in 3 parts onto the chocolate-praliné mixture, mixing well after each addition. When the ganache is smooth and shiny, add the butter in small pieces and stir again until it is completely incorporated.

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Then let the ganache crystallize (you can put it in the fridge, but make sure it doesn't become too solid to be piped).

Assembly :

A few hazelnuts

Drill small holes in the brownie with a toothpick.

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Pour caramel over the entire surface.

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Put the tart in the fridge for a few minutes to set the caramel.
Put the ganache in a piping bag fitted with a plain tip and pipe it on the tart. Decorate with pieces of brownie, hazelnuts and caramel, then enjoy!

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