Crème brûlée flan
08 January 2021
New year, new flan! Still inspired by Julien Delhome's wonderful flan, this new version combines vanilla and caramel to give a crème brûlée flan! A vanilla cream, caramel chips and a layer of caramelization to get a little closer to the traditional crème brûlée: nothing complicated but a delicious result J
Prep time : 40 minutes + 30 minutes cooking + rest
For a 18cm flan :
Almond crust :
60g of softened butter
1 egg
90g powdered sugar
180g flour
50g cornstarch
30g almond powder
2 pinches of salt
Mix the butter with powdered sugar, salt and almond powder.
Add the egg, then the flour and cornstarch.
Mix quickly until you get a homogeneous dough.
Put the dough in the fridge for 30 minutes, then spread it out and put it in your buttered circle. Place the dough in the freezer while you prepare the cream.
Crème brûlée cream :
40g sugar (1)
400g liquid cream
400g whole milk
1 egg
3 egg yolks
40g sugar (2)
30g sugar (3)
60g brown sugar
40g cornstarch
20g flour
30g butter
1 vanilla bean
Prepare a caramel with the sugar (1).
At the same time, heat the milk and cream with the vanilla seeds. When the caramel is golden, deglaze it with the hot cream and milk and bring to a boil.
Whisk the egg, yolks and sugar (2). Add the flour and cornstarch and whisk again.
Pour half of the hot milk over the eggs, stirring, then pour back into the saucepan.
Return to the heat and thicken the cream over medium heat. Remove from the heat and add the butter.
When the cream is homogeneous, put a plastic wrap on it and prepare the caramel.
Prepare a caramel with the sugar (3). Pour it on a sheet of greaseproof paper then let crystallize. When the caramel is cold, break it into small pieces.
Take the dough out of the freezer. Place a few pieces of caramel on the dough, then some cream, again some pieces of caramel, and so on until you finish with the cream.
Smooth the surface and then bake in the preheated oven at 180°C for 30 minutes.
Let cool completely, then before serving sprinkle with brown sugar. Caramelize the surface of the flan with a blowtorch, then enjoy!
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