Pistachio & chocolate crêpes cake

Pistachio & chocolate crêpes cake

28 January 2021

Chandeleur is coming soon, so the crêpes are back! You already have my crêpes recipe on the blog, as well as crêpes cakes but they are rather summery with their red fruits, so this time I'm going for a more seasonal crêpes cake with chocolate and pistachio. So we can find plain crêpes, chocolate crêpes, a pastry cream with pistachio and chocolate chips! Nothing very complicated, no oven and little material necessary because with a pan, a saucepan, a whisk and a spoon you can get out of it J
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 Prep time : 1h30 + 1h rest
 For a 20cm cake (to be adapted according to your crêpes pan) | 8 servings :


Plain crêpes :

 150g flour
 2 eggs
 385g milk
 20g sugar
 Mix the eggs with the flour and sugar.
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 Then add the milk little by little, whisking well between each addition until you obtain a smooth and lump-free crepe batter.
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 Let the batter rest for 1 hour, then cook the crêpes in a lightly greased and very hot crepe pan.
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 Stack the crêpes as they cook on a plate and cover them with aluminum foil to keep them soft.

Cocoa crêpes :

 100g flour
 40g cocoa
 2 eggs
 385g milk
 25g sugar
 Mix the eggs with the flour, cocoa and sugar.
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 Then add the milk little by little, whisking well between each addition until you obtain a smooth and lump-free crepe batter. Leave the batter to rest for 1 hour, then cook the crêpes in a lightly greased and hot crepe pan. Stack the crêpes as they cook on a plate and cover them with aluminium foil to keep them soft.

Pistachio pastry cream :

 440g milk
 75g liquid cream
 100g eggs
 50g sugar
 50g cornstarch
 200g pistachio butter
 85g butter
 Heat the milk and cream.
 Whisk the eggs with the sugar, then add the cornstarch and whisk again.
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 Pour half of the hot milk over the eggs, stirring, then return to the saucepan.
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 Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until the cream thickens.
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 Off the heat, add the butter and then the pistachio butter.
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 When the pastry cream is homogeneous, pour it into a dish, put a plastic wrap on it and then put it in the refrigerator.

Assembly :

 Chocolate chips 
 A few pistachios 
 When the crêpes and pastry cream are cold, proceed to the assembly: cut out all the crêpes with a circle of 20cm (or more depending on the size of your crêpes). 
 Place a first cocoa crêpe on your serving dish. Spread a thin layer of cream on top. Add a plain crêpe, then cream again, and so on until you are out of crêpesl. Every 3 or 4 crêpes, add chocolate chips on top of the cream. At the end, cover the crêpes cake with the remaining pistachio cream and put it in the refrigerator.
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 As for the decoration, I melted some dark chocolate which I poured on the cake, before adding some crispy chocolate pearls and some pistachios.
 Take your cake out of the fridge a few minutes before tasting it, then enjoy!
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