Pecan & maple syrup caramel chocolate candy bars

Pecan & maple syrup caramel chocolate candy bars

16 February 2021

New day, new delicious recipe! With new chocolate candy bars, this time with maple syrup, pecan and of course chocolate flavors. They are composed of a pecan and maple syrup cookie, a maple syrup caramel and a 40% milk chocolate cover that allows you to avoid adding too much sugar. You can easily prepare them in advance, once covered with chocolate they can be kept for several days at room temperature (or in the refrigerator if your chocolate has not been tempered). You know everything, it's up to you!
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Prep time : 1h15 + 15 minutes de cuisson et temps de refroidissement du caramel
For a dozen bars :

Maple syrup & pecan cookie :

55g butter
50g pecan powder
95g flour
1 egg yolk
30g sugar
35g maple syrup
Mix the softened butter with the sugar and egg yolk.
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Add the maple syrup, the pecan powder and the flour.

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Do not overwork the dough, as soon as it is homogeneous form a ball, flatten it slightly and put it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

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When the dough is very cold, spread it on 3 to 4mm thick and detail rectangles. Arrange them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and put them in the freezer for a few minutes.

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Then bake them at 170°C for about 15 minutes, they should be golden brown when they come out of the oven. Let them cool down.

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Maple syrup caramel :

250g maple syrup
70g butter
135g whole liquid cream
Heat the maple syrup to 175°C.
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At the same time, heat the liquid cream.
Gradually deglaze the maple syrup with the hot cream, stirring constantly to obtain a homogeneous caramel.

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Then add the butter cut into small cubes, continue cooking until 112°C then remove the pan from the heat and pour the caramel into a bowl.

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Let it cool down to room temperature (if you put it in the fridge it will become too hard to be piped).

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Assembly :

About 40 pecans
About 350g 40% cocoa milk chocolate (I used Valrhona’s Jivara) & some Dulcey chocolate
When the caramel has cooled, place it in a piping bag with a plain tip. Pipe caramel balls on each shortbread with whole pecans in between. 

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Put the shortbread covered with caramel and pecan in the freezer while the chocolate melts. 
If you wish, you can temper the chocolate, but if you don't have the time / desire, you can also follow the following method: gently melt the ¾ chocolate in a bain-marie, never exceeding 35°C. Off the heat, add the remaining quarter of chopped chocolate and mix well to melt it. At this point you can proceed to coating the bars. Attention, if you have exceeded the maximum temperature, no choice, you will have to temper the chocolate or else keep the bars in the refrigerator. 

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Dip the cold bars into the chocolate, shake them so as not to get too thick layer of chocolate, then place them on a sheet of baking paper and let them crystallize. If, like me, you want to decorate your bars with some Dulcey chocolate, just melt it gently in the same way as the Jivara, then dip a fork in it and shake it over the bars. Let it crystallize again, then enjoy!

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