Chocolate and hazelnut cookie sandwich

Chocolate and hazelnut cookie sandwich

05 March 2021

Today I propose you a perfect recipe for the snacks of everyone : hazelnut shortbread filled with a chocolate ganache. I made two versions, the first with dark chocolate, the second with a milk chocolate hazelnut-praliné ganache. If you want to make only one version, you only have to multiply by two the quantities of the ganache of your choice, and you can of course replace the hazelnut powder by the nut powder of your choice. The recipe is very simple and the cookies keep well for several days in an airtight box!
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 Prep time : 45 minutes + 15 minutes cooking
 For a dozen sandwich cookies :


Hazelnut shortbread :

 120g butter
 240g flour
 95g powdered sugar
 1 pinch of salt
 35g hazelnut powder
 1 bug egg (55 to 60g)
 Mix the butter, flour, powdered sugar, salt and hazelnut powder until you get a kind of crumble. Then add the egg and mix until you have a homogeneous dough.
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 Put a plastic wrap on the dough and place it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
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 Spread the dough on 2 to 3mm thick, then cut out circles of 6cm with a cookie cutter. Preheat the oven to 170°C.
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 Bake the cookies for 15 minutes, they should be golden brown when they come out of the oven.

Hazelnut and milk chocolate ganache :

 45g liquid cream
 55g praliné
 55g 40% cocoa milk chocolate 
 10g honey
 15g butter
 Heat the liquid cream with the honey. Melt the chocolate and mix it with the praline. Pour the hot cream three times over the chocolate, stirring well so as to obtain a smooth ganache. Then add the butter and mix well, if necessary you can use a hand blender to get a homogeneous and shiny ganache. Leave to cool to room temperature.
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Dark chocolate ganache

 70g dark chocolate
 85g liquid cream
 5g honey
 Heat the liquid cream with the honey. Melt the chocolate. Pour the hot cream three times over the chocolate, stirring well so as to obtain a smooth ganache. If necessary you can use a hand blender to obtain a smooth and shiny ganache. Leave to cool to room temperature.

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Assembly :

 Once the shortbreads are cold, put the cooled ganaches in a piping bag and fill the shortbread.
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 And finally, enjoy !
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