Coffee & dulcey tart

Coffee & dulcey tart

06 March 2021

If you like coffee desserts, I can only advise you to try this recipe! A coffee & dulcey chocolate tart, with different textures... I really loved it. On top of that, it's rather quick to make, even if you have to divide the work over two days: the first day the tart dough and the ganache, the second day the cooking, the crispy layer, the crémeux and the decoration with the whipped ganache!
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 Prep time : 1h15 + one night rest + 25 minutes cooking
 For a 20cm tart | 6 to 8 servings :


Dulcey whipped ganache :

 120g Dulcey
 260g whole liquid cream
 1,5g gelatin
 Put the gelatin in cold water to rehydrate it.
 Melt the chocolate.
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 Heat 120g of liquid cream, then off the heat add the rehydrated and wrung out gelatine. Stir well, then pour the hot cream several times over the melted chocolate. Stir well after each addition to obtain a smooth and shiny ganache.
 Then add the remaining liquid cream (the cream must be cold).
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 Put a plastic wrap on it, then put the ganache in the fridge for at least 6 hours, or better one night. .

Hazelnut tart crust :

 50g egg
 60g butter
 90g powdered sugar
 30g hazelnut powder
 1g salt
 180g flour
 50g cornstarch
 One egg and a little cream for egg wash 
 Mix the softened butter with the powdered sugar, the salt and the hazelnut powder.
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 Then add the egg, whisking well.
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 Finally add the flour and cornstarch. Work the dough as little as possible until you get a homogeneous dough.
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 Put a plastic wrap on it and put it in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
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 Spread the dough on 2 to 3mm thick, then put it in a tart circle.
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 Place the pie crust in a cool place (in the freezer if possible).
 Then preheat the oven to 170°C, prick the tart base with a fork and bake it for about 20 minutes. Then remove the circle and brush the tart base with an egg beaten with a little liquid cream. Bake for 10 minutes.
 Let the tart cool to room temperature.

Dulcey and praliné crispy layer :

 55g hazelnut praliné
 35g Dulcey
 45g crêpes dentelles émiettées
 Melt the chocolate in a double boiler, then add the praliné and crumbled crêpes dentelles.
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 Spread on the baked and cooled tart crust and place in the refrigerator.
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Coffee crémeux:

 1,5g gelatine
 18g sugar
 30g egg yolks
 105g liquid cream with 30 or 35% fat content
 20g trablit (coffee extract)
 25g dulcey
 Put the gelatine to be rehydrated in a bowl of cold water.
 Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar.
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 Heat the liquid cream, then pour it over the eggs.
 Pour it back into the pan and cook over a low heat, stirring constantly until the temperature reaches 85°C.
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 Remove from the heat, add the wrung out gelatine, then the chocolate.
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 When the cream is homogeneous, pour it over the tart crust and put it back in the fridge until it is completely set.
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Assembly :

 Whip the ganache until you get a whipped cream texture.
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 Put it in a piping bag with a saint-honoré tip, then pipe it over the tart, starting from the center, making "petals" of different sizes, until it covers all the crémeux. 
 Keep your tart in the refrigerator until you taste it, then enjoy!
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Phoebs - 09 September 2021
Followed every step of the recipe correctly, and yet not everything turned out correct. The measurement is definitely off. There is not enough whipped ganache, crispy layer, nor cremeux to cover the entire tart. Also, there is too little gelatin in the cremeux which resulted in pure liquid. Really disappointed in how this recipe is written since the taste of every layer was so amazing, but it didn't give me the right results.

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