Gâteau de Savoie (Jacques Genin)

Gâteau de Savoie (Jacques Genin)

07 March 2021

Here's the recipe for a very classic and simple cake that wasn't yet on the blog, le gâteau de Savoie! I took the recipe from the book La Merveilleuse histoire des pâtisseries by Michel Tanguy & Jacques Genin. I reduced the quantities to make this cake but I put the original quantities from the book below. The recipe is super simple and quick to make, and the cake is ultra airy, it keeps well for several days if you wrap it in cling film.
 gateau de savoie genin 8
 Prep time : 15 minutes + 45 minutes cooking
 For 2 19-20cm molds |about 10 to 12 servings :


Ingredients :

 250g caster sugar
 420g eggs (about 8 medium eggs))
 100g flour
 100g cornstarch
 ½ vanilla bean or lemon zest

Recipe :

 Butter and flour or sugar the mould of your choice. 
 Whisk a whole egg, 7 egg yolks and the sugar until you get the ribbon: the mixture should be well swollen and white.
 gateau de savoie genin 1
 gateau de savoie genin 2
 Add the sifted flour and cornstarch and the vanilla.
 gateau de savoie genin 3
 gateau de savoie genin 5
 Whisk the 7 egg whites.
 gateau de savoie genin 4
 Add them delicately to the previous mixture with a maryse.
 gateau de savoie genin 6
 Pour the dough into the mould (be careful not to fill the mould all the way to the top, the dough will swell a lot during baking, mine was too full at the time of the photo), then bake in the oven preheated to 160°C for about 45 minutes, to be adjusted according to your mould.
 gateau de savoie genin 7
 Unmold the cake, let it cool and then enjoy!
 gateau de savoie genin 9
 gateau de savoie genin 10
 gateau de savoie genin 11
 gateau de savoie genin 12

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