Vanilla & caramel tart

Vanilla & caramel tart

08 May 2021

After a few weeks without a new recipe due to a move, I'm back with a very yummy tart, rather light despite the caramel! I associated it here with vanilla in a simple recipe: almond crust of course, almond cream with vanilla, salted butter caramel with vanilla and vanilla whipped cream, nothing complicated even if it is necessary to foresee times of rest and cooling to realize this tart. 
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 Prep time : 1 hour + 25 minutes cooking
 For a 20cm tart ­| 6 to 8 servings :

Almond crust :  

1 egg (50g)
 60g softened butter
 90g powdered sugar
 30g almond powder
 175g flour
 50g cornstarch
 Mix the softened butter with the powdered sugar and the almond powder.
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 When the mix is homogeneous, add the the egg and finally the flour and cornstarch.
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 Mix quickly to have a homogeneous dough, then put it in a plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
 Then, spread it 2 to 3 mm thick and put it in your circle.
 Put it in the fridge for at least 2 hours, or in the freezer for at least 30 minutes.

Vanille almond cream :

 75g almond powder
 10g cornstarch
 70g powdered sugar
 1 egg (50g)
 50g butter
 ½ teaspoon vanilla powder
 Mix the softened butter with the powdered sugar and the vanilla. Then add the almond powder and cornstarch.
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 Finally, add the egg and mix with a maryse to obtain a homogeneous cream.
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 Pour the cream over the almond dough, and bake in the preheated oven at 170°C for 20 to 25 minutes.
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 To get a golden brown pie, you can take it out of the oven 5 minutes before the end of baking, remove the tart ring, and brush a little beaten egg around the edge of the tart before finishing baking.
 Let cool, then poke small holes in the almond cream with a fork or toothpick.
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Vanilla caramel : 

100g full liquid cream
 1 vanilla pod
 150g sugar
 50g butter
 1 pinch fleur de sel
 Heat the liquid cream with the vanilla seeds and let it infuse for at least 30 minutes. Then heat the cream again.
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 Pour the sugar into a saucepan and prepare a dry caramel. When it has a nice amber color, deglaze it with the vanilla cream, stirring constantly. Finally, remove it from the heat and add the butter cut into small pieces and the fleur de sel.
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 Let the caramel cool, then pour it over the almond cream. Put the tart in the refrigerator.
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Vanilla whipped cream : 

240g full liquid cream 
 75g mascarpone 
 25g softened sugar 
 1 vanilla pod
 Mix all ingredients together and whip to a whipped cream.
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 Pour it into a piping bag fitted with a St. Honoré tip and pipe it onto the tart. Decorate with a little caramel, then enjoy! 
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