Lime & hazelnut crumble tart

Lime & hazelnut crumble tart

29 May 2021

Here's a new lemon pie recipe, but for a change, lime! and here, no meringue but a crunchy streusel for a hazelnut crumble effect that goes wonderfully with the slight acidity of the lime. The recipe is quite simple and rather quick to make 😊

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 Prep time : 45 minutes + 45 minutes cooking
 For a 20cm tart :


Hazelnut dough :

 60g softened butter
 90g powdered sugar
 30g hazelnut powder
 A pinch of salt
 50g egg (1 egg)
 180g flour
 50g cornstarch
 Optional : 1 egg for egg wash
 Mix the softened butter with powdered sugar, the salt and the hazelnut powder.
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 Emulsify the mix with the egg, then add the flour and cornstarch.
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 Mix quickly, and stop as soon as you can form a ball. Put it in a plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
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 Next, roll out the dough to a thickness of 2 to 3mm and put it your buttered circle.
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 Prick the dough, then place it in the freezer for at least 15 minutes.
 Next, bake your dough for 15 to 20 minutes at 170°C. Remove the circle, then brush the dough with beaten egg and put it in the oven again for 5 to 10 minutes, checking the coloring. When removed from the oven, leave to cool.
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Lime cream :

 120g lime juice
 100g sugar
 Zests of 2 limes
 2 eggs
 125g butter
 Mix the sugar with the lime zest.
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 Then add the eggs and whisk the mixture.
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 At the same time, heat the lime juice; when it is hot, pour half of it over the eggs, still whisking, then pour it back into the pan.
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 Thicken the cream over low heat, stirring constantly.
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 Then add the butter, cut into small pieces, off the heat.
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 When the cream is smooth, pour it over the cooled tart crust and place it in the refrigerator.
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Hazelnut streusel :

 45g softened butter
 45g brown sugar
 45g flour 
 45g hazelnut powder
 Mix the four ingredients together until you have a crumble texture.
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 Pour the pieces of dough on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, then bake in the oven preheated to 180°C for about 15 minutes, the streusel should be well browned.
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 Let it cool, then sprinkle it over the lime cream.
 Decorate with a few lime zests and hazelnut pieces, then enjoy!
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