Vanille cream tart (Benoit Castel)

Vanille cream tart (Benoit Castel)

07 July 2021

Here is the recipe for a pie I've been wanting to try for a very long time: Benoit Castel's cream tart. It's an easy tart: almond vanilla crust, pastry cream and whipped cream, all well vanillaed. Of course, I advise you to use a quality vanilla, otherwise the tart won't have the same flavor. I took the recipe from the Fou de Pâtisserie magazine, the quantities were too large so I have noted my tips for the quantities below 😊
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Prep time : 1 hour + rest & 18 minutes cooking
For a 20cm tart :

The crust :

 240g butter
 150g powdered sugar
 50g almond powder
 1 vanilla pod (or some vanilla powder)
 80g eggs
 400g flour
 The quantities are too large, you can of course reduce them by using a single egg.

 Mix the softened butter with the powdered sugar, vanilla and almond powder.
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 Emulsify the mixture with the egg, then add the flour.
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 Mix quickly, and stop as soon as you can form a ball. Put it in a plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
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 Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3mm and place it in a circle. Put the dough in the freezer for a few minutes (or in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes), then bake at 160°C for 18 minutes.
 Let it cool down.
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Vanilla pastry cream :

 500g whole milk
 100g sugar
 80g egg yolks
 50g flour
 30g butter
 1 vanilla pod
 I had a little too much, I advise you to reduce all quantities based on 70g of egg yolks.

 Heat the milk with the vanilla seeds.
 Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar and then the flour.
 tarte creme benoit castel 1
 Stir in half of the hot vanilla milk, then pour back into the pan.
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 Cook over medium heat, whisking constantly. When the cream is thickened, remove it from the heat, let it cool for a few minutes and then add the butter cut into small pieces. Put a plastic wrap on the cream and let it cool completely.
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 Next, lightly whip the cream, then pour it into the pie shell and smooth the surface.
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 Return to the refrigerator.

Whipped cream :

 180g liquid cream (375g in the original recipe)
 180g of Isigny cream (375g in the original recipe)
 20g powdered sugar(40g in the original recipe)
 ½ vanilla pod
 Whip all ingredients together until you have a whipped cream.
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 Pour the whipped cream into a pastry bag fitted with a star tip. Pipe the whipped cream onto the tart, then enjoy!
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