Apricot & basil sorbet
13 September 2021
Matériel :
J’utilise la sorbetière Kenwood adaptée à mon robot chef titanium.
Prep time : 15 minutes + time to cool down & time in the icecream maker
Pour environ 1L de sorbet :
Ingredients :
600g apricots
A few basil leaves to taste
130g water
140g sugar
60g glucose powder
4g stabilizer for ice cream and sorbets
Recipe :
Mix the sugar and glucose. Take 25g and add the stabilizer.
Heat the water with the basil leaves. When it reaches 40°C, add the large amount of sugar. When the water is 50°C, add the small amount with the stabilizer. Heat the mixture up to 85°C.
Chill the mixture in the refrigerator and let it stand for at least 4 hours.
Blend the apricots to obtain a puree.
Add it to the previous mixture and miw with a hand blender.
Now all you have to do is pour it into the ice cream maker.
When it's ready, keep it in the freezer and remember to take it out about 15 minutes before you enjoy 😊