French toast (François Perret)

French toast (François Perret)

20 September 2021

Here is the recipe for the perfect breakfast, François Perret's french toast at the Ritz. The recipe is very simple, you can make it with a homemade brioche (François Perret's recipe can be found here but you can use the recipe of your choice) or bought in a store/bakery. For the tasting, maple syrup, fruits, spread... 😊

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Prep time : 20 minutes
 For a 25cm brioche :


Ingredients :

 1 brioche
 140g fresh whole milk
 1 vanilla pod
 90g egg yolks (about 5 yolks)
 58g brown sugar
 400g cream (33% fat content)
 QS butter and brown sugar for cooking

Recipe :

 Heat the milk with the vanilla seeds and leave to infuse for as long as you like.
 brioche perdue ritz 1

 Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar to whiten them.

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 Then add the cream, followed by the infused milk.

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 Cut the brioche into 1.5 or 2cm thick slices. Dip the slices in the mixture to soak them well, then drain.

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 Heat a little butter and sugar in a pan, then when the mixture is caramelized, toast/caramelize the brioche slices on each side. Place the slices on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, and bake in the preheated oven at 180°C for 3 minutes. Enjoy hot, and above all, enjoy yourself! 

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