Homemade twix

Homemade twix

21 September 2021

A little treat that's pretty easy to make to welcome the slowly arriving fall: homemade twix-style chocolate bars. The composition is quick: a melting and crunchy shortbread, a caramel and chocolate, the one of your choice, to cover it all 😊

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 Prep time : 1 hour + rest + 15 minutes cooking :
 For 12 to 15 chocolate bars, depending on their size :


The shortbread :

 150g flour
 50g brown sugar
 100g butter
 10g milk
 1 pinch of fleur de sel
 Mix the butter with the brown sugar, then add the milk, salt and finally the flour.
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 Form a ball, flatten it slightly and place it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
 Then, roll it out to a thickness of 1cm and cut into strips of about 10 to 12cm long and 2 to 3cm wide.
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 Bake in the preheated oven at 180°C for about 15 minutes.

The caramel :

 230g caster sugar
 150g full cream
 80g butter
 Prepare a caramel with the sugar.
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 Heat the cream. When the caramel has a nice amber color, deglaze it little by little with the hot cream.
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 When the mixture is homogeneous, add the butter cut in small pieces and mix well.
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 Reduce the caramel over low heat for about 5 minutes to thicken slightly. Let it cool completely.

Finishing touches:

 300g of chocolate of your choice
 Pipe the caramel on the shortbread bars, then put them in the freezer while you prepare the chocolate (to facilitate the coating).
 twix maison 7
 Gently melt the chocolate, without exceeding 35°C, then dip the bars one by one in it. Shake them lightly to remove the excess chocolate, then place them on a sheet of parchment paper and let them crystallize (to make the filaments on the chocolate bars, simply dip a fork in the chocolate and shake it on the bars). Finally, enjoy!
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