Chocolate chip muffins

Chocolate chip muffins

29 September 2021

The snack recipe that will please children and adults alike, the classic chocolate chip muffins! Here made on a yogurt cake base for a very soft result, and of course with a lot of chocolate chips for the yummy part 😉

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 Prep time : 15 minutes + 20 minutes cooking
 For about 15 muffins :


Ingredients :

 200g plain yoghurt
 150g sugar
 1 pinch of vanilla powder
 120g butter
 50g almond powder
 3 eggs
 225g flour
 11g baking powder
 250 to 300g chocolate chips

Recipe :

 Melt the butter. Mix the yogurt with the sugar.
 muffins pepites choco 1
 Add the vanilla and eggs one by one, followed by the melted butter.
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 Then add the almond powder, flour and baking powder, and finish with the chocolate chips (save some to sprinkle on the muffins before baking).
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 Pour the batter into your greased baking pans and bake in the preheated oven at 180°C for 20 minutes.
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 Let cool, then unmold and enjoy!
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