Glutenfree chocolate & almond cake

Glutenfree chocolate & almond cake

24 October 2021

A nice chocolate and yummy recipe to end this fall week: a gluten-free chocolate and almond cake. By the way, you can make this recipe by replacing the almond with the nut of your choice 😊
 I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for the welcome you've given to my book Il était un cake, I can't wait to see all your creations!

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Prep time : 15 minutes + 40 minutes cooking
 For a 18cm cake (6 servings) :


Ingredients :

 200g dark chocolate
 125g butter
 4 eggs
 80g almond powder
 120g sugar
 For the decoration: almond praline or butter, some chopped almonds

Recipe :

 Melt the chocolate with the butter. 
 Whisk the eggs with the sugar for a few minutes until the mixture is white and fluffy.
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 Add the melted butter and chocolate, then finish with the almond powder.
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 Pour the mixture into a buttered mould or circle and bake in a preheated oven at 170°C for 40 minutes. 
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 Let cool before unmolding, then enjoy!
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