Pear and chocolate tart

Pear and chocolate tart

25 October 2021

Here is a recipe that requires little equipment, little time and few ingredients: a rustic pear & chocolate tart, with a touch of hazelnut (which you can replace with almond if you prefer), that simply requires a rolling pin and a baking sheet to make. Obviously, all the success of this tart lies in the pears you will choose, they must be good of course, and not too ripe at the risk of having irregular slices and that they reject water during cooking 😊 Finally, I wanted a little touch of originality with a two-color tart dough, but you can of course use the hazelnut dough without adding the cocoa.
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 Prep time : 45 minutes + rest + 40 minutes cooking
 For 8 to 10 servings :


Hazelnut & cocoa dough :

 60g butter
 90g powdered sugar
 30g hazelnut powder
 1 egg
 160g T55 flour
 50g cornstarch
10g sugar-free cocoa powder
 Cream the butter with the powdered sugar and the hazelnut powder.
 tarte rustique poire choco 1
 Emulsify with the egg, then add the flour and cornstarch.
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 Stop mixing as soon as the dough is homogeneous. Then divide the dough in two and add the cocoa to one of the two parts.
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 Finally, make small rolls with the two doughs and stick them to each other alternately.
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 Wrap everything in cling film and put the dough in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour (you can prepare it the day before and leave it in the refrigerator overnight).

Chocolat chips & hazelnut cream :

 50g butter
 75g hazelnut powder
 10g cornstarch
70g powdered sugar
 1 egg
 70g dark chocolate chips
 Cream the butter with the powdered sugar, then add the hazelnut powder and cornstarch.
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 Finally add the egg, then the chocolate chips.
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Assembly and cooking :

 3 to 4 pears depending on their size
A few chocolate chips
 Peel the pears, core them, cut them in half and cut them into thin strips. Roll out the dough into a large circle about 2mm thick.
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 Spread the hazelnut cream on top, keeping a 3cm border without cream, then place the pear halves on the hazelnut cream, pressing them slightly into the cream.
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 Close the pie by folding the edges of the pie.
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 Add a few chocolate chips, then bake the pie in the preheated oven at 175°C for about 40 minutes.
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 Let it cool, then enjoy!
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